
Friday, August 6, 2010

Our Life is What Our Thoughts Make it...and Part II

"Our life is what our thoughts make it...."

I love this's so true.
Think happy = be happy
Think positive = be positive
Think magical = be magical
(I have this quote taped to my computer,too)

and I am so pleased to share with you my friends,
Part II of Mr. Toast meets Rose Hill.
So head on over here, and
 read about a few of my favorite blogs....& more!


Red Cat Cards said...

I like that quote, too !!

Rebecca Anthony said...

This is wonderful Heather, I love all the detail on the desk. The composition of this is terrific!!

paula said...

I need to remember this one :)

Julia Christie said...

Love this Heather great details and I love the quote! definitely words to live by! Heading over to read the second half of your great interview. Thanks for reminding us!


Betsy Brock said...

Your interview was great, Heather! I'm so glad to have met you! ;)

Nicola said...

Great quote and so good to visit your blog again, thanks for visiting mine, I can't wait to get back into the swing of things. Such a cute illustration too :0)

Krista said...

This is an adorable self-portrait! Love the mouse! And your "artificial" is wonderful too-- Sorry I missed it the first time around!