
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sunday Sketches - It's My Party

It's My Party and I'll Cry if I want to...Cry if I want to!

Well, last night was the big Movie Party for my daughter's 8th Birthday, remember the invitation?
Well, It started off with a bang, but ended with a tear or two...
Too much excitement for the little ladies I suspect....
But all in all a FABULOUS Time!
This is my Sunday Sketch for the week over at Sophia's Blog, The Blue Chair Diary...
come take a peek at all of the fabulous artwork...why don't you think about joining in sometime?

Taken by our very own Paparazzi....
The Stillufsen's... Hollywood Style...


Marlene said...

Heather, I loved that song! It is from my era so I am surprised you know it, but that is so cool. Will you do one for the sequel, "Now it's Judy's Turn to Cry" I love the sketch you drew to go with it, it is perfect.

WrightStuff said...

Ah yes, the over-excitement of a child's party - I know it well! Your sketch caputures it perfectly.

Tammie Lee said...

ah, this is so cute! of course she can cry at her own party. There is so much emotion around parties..

Lauren said...

The sketch is too cute!! And what a great picture-you are a lovely family! :) ~Lauren

Betsy Brock said...

Oh, look how cute you all are! :)
Happy 8th BD to your little cutie!

Lenora said...

Happy birthday! This is wonderful, you can feel the song in the sketch - its perfect! Can totally relate! Love the paparazzi photo too!

Debbie said...

I remember this song and love your sketch to go with it!! The family photo is wonderful.

Julia Christie said...

Awwww - they do get over excited sometimes at that age don't they. This sketch captures it perfectly!

Love it!

Smiles and love the family photos.

Kristin Dudish said...

A great sketch... I'd love to see it in color :)

It looks like the party was lots of fun - I love the paparazzi shot!

p.s. the popcorn invitations were adorable!

lissa said...

still adorable drawing even with the tears, perhaps they are tears of happiness

thanks for your visit

Di said...

Lovely sketch!

Krista said...

Awwww... sooooo cute!

Michael said...

Hey, you could have uses this for Feature Friday too is you had done it now. :)