
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sunday Sketches - Maxwell

Max had an idea....

He would write her a love letter
3 simple words....

This is my Sunday Sketch. It's a little character that came to me this week.
Young remember that wonderful feeling?
Well, here at my house, we've gotten a few love "notes" this week....
simply adorable...I know my daughter will treasure them when she's older some day!

For more Sunday Sketches, please visit Sophia, at The Blue Chair Diary, here...
Happy Sunday to all my SS friends! 


Lenora said...

Wonderful! So funny we have a young max with sticky out blond hair all over - is he writing lvoe notes too?

Betsy Brock said...

Awww..he's SO cute!

WrightStuff said...

Aw - he looks just like my son. What a cutie :)

Lauren said...

So cute, I love how you did it in 3stages! :) You are so good at drawing boys, I am too scared to attempt it! Too cute about the love notes too :) ~Lauren

Tammie Lee said...

these are so sweet and I love hearing about the love notes that your daughter is receiving.
It is so awesome that you can make 3 sketches and they all look like the same boy, I don't think I can accomplish this.

Julia Christie said...

I love this new character Heather. Oh first love is too cute! Hope you are going to add color to this sketch!

Smiles and have a great Sunday!

Marlene said...

How sweet, the drawing and your daughter's love notes. Max is adorable, love his smile.

Denise G said...

I love your simplicity and clarity and sweet beauty! I love Max too!

EVA said...

ooooh! Love notes at your house! How nice!

Great sketches! Maxwell is so cute and charming! He looks like he could be the star of an ongoing comic trip!

Kristin Dudish said...

Awww.. I puffy heart Max! Such great sketches - I hope we get to see more of him :)

Elizabeth Claire said...

Heather...I can't express with words how I felt when I saw your sketch. It is amazing. I love the simplicity and the tenderness. Simply Lovely!! So happy to connect in this new adventure for me. I had a really happy time sketching that butterfly yesterday. Hope you can return to my blog, soon. I will finished my post on Enjoy the Ride includes a giveaway already posted! Keep following your dreams while you Enjoy the Ride!

Michael said...

Very darling indeed, heather. I love that Maxwell also seems lie a nice littel boy instead of how so often boys are drawn as nothing but little rotters.

Red Cat Cards said...

oh this brings back the memory.. oh those pure beautiful puppy love moments.. the sparkle, the heartbeat, the blushing.. oh where have all the time gone to? ;)

Anonymous said...

what an adorable character!
so cute.

A Perfect Gray said...

That is lovely...