
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time...

It's here...
The Starbucks Holiday Cup....
Now, it truly is the most wonderful time of the year....
People always talk about the "little things" in life that make them happy, so I am sharing with you all,
one of my "little things"
...It's the Starbucks holiday cup.
Yes, It's that simple.
How exciting! Yum, the delicious Venti Skim Misto
that I love so very much, just got that much better today!
What a delight!
Why, do I love the red cup so much? Well, to me, it's always been the way I kick off the holiday season
 So, with misto in hand,  I walked next door to
Williams-Sonoma, and began planning my Thanksgiving menu....
and picked out a few holiday gifts, now if it only it would snow!
How about you?
Is there something little making you happy today?


Brian Miller said...

oh man does that mean they have the eggnog latte...i need to go check...when the eggnog latte comes out, its the holidays for me...

happy...yeah i got to spend the morning with the boys since they were out for election day...

Christine said...

Heather, I've also picked up some Christmas goodies. but Happy thanksgiving when it comes! Glad you're enjoying this time of year.

Nelly said...

I like to fill mine with a Peppermint Mocha. are making me thirsty for Starbucks.

Oh how I love the holidays!

Betsy Brock said...

Nice...starbucks and browsing through Wms. just doesn't get any better than that!

Kristin Dudish said...

I love that bubble blowing cutie your Starbucks is resting on...

I'm excited for the Holidays too!
The snow... not so much. ;)


Sissy Sparrows said...

It is so amazing the little things that make us happy and so SIMPLE!

brandi said...

~oh i l♥ve this!! to the simplest things that make our spirit soar!! i l♥ve this upcoming holiday season...such beauty and magic wrapped up within it...mmmmmmm peppermint mochas and ice cream too...ah savor the season ahead as you are...much l♥ve and light upon you and yours~

psychopooch said...

Lol. I just had the same exact conversation with my boyfriend yesterday. The cups made him happy too :)

Unknown said...

Oh I'm so with you.. it's the simple daily things that put a smile on my face too! xo

Michael said...

that is totally me too! In fact I am drinking something from one of these cups right now. So love the designs each and every year. It says Christmas and festive cheer, doesn't it?

Aha!! just figured it out! Sooo you were the one who voted for starbucks lattés for the xmas Tea, right? :)