
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Sketches - Card Ideas

I've got Christmas cards on my mind today,
for this week's Sunday Sketches.  

Here is one of the ideas, I have brewing up there in my brain for our card this year. Santa Claus and my two little ladies! I always illustrate our Christmas cards, and have lots of ideas, but always find myself waiting until the last minute. Usually I am sending my cards out on the 23rd!

How about you, are yours ready to mail out the 1st of December, or are you more like me, waiting until the very last minute...?

Sophia is our wonderful, creative host over at
The Blue Chair Diary,
a wonderful blog - you must go and visit!
 See you there!


Jenn Bower said...

Morning! I like this a lot. The Santa is very jolly and your girls are so cute. Can't wait to see it with your magic watercolor touch. Mine are sketched and painted. Just need to load up for printing.
Have a happy Sunday! *HUGS*

Gumnut said...

Lovely sketches, and such an inspiring thought as your recipients must be seriously spoilt no matter when they receive the cards with such effort put into them.

Thanks so much for sharing such great work.

(via Sunday Sketches)

Brian Miller said...

smiles. looks like a festive card...and love that SC is done a little differrent stylistically....

Tracy said...

wow...I am so impressed...I love the expression on the mouse's face :)

brandi said...

~your little st. nick here is adorable...his face is warm and happy actually missed them last year so have to get working on them as many where not too happy no greeting was sent! i love what you have created cute!!! warm wishes and brightest blessings~

Shayla said...

Yes a Santa drawing! I am glad you are already ready for the festivities ahead of us. Great sketch!

WrightStuff said...

This willl make such a lovely card. Your snowmen in the sidebar are absolutely adorable by the way!!

Well, I usually start the cards well, write about 6, get bored then leave the rest until the last minute! I designed my own this year too and had them printed which was very exciting.

My son has written most of his - I thought we definitely needed to start early there but he was actually quite good about it!

Marlene said...

Good Morning Heather, I have been MIA for a few days, getting trees out. I love this sketch! The Santa's eyes just twinkle - wonderful work.

Lenora said...

He's a very retro Santa - love that!

EVA said...

I never mail out cards - well I have good intentions every year and /i sometime start writing or addressing but they haven't actually gone out for years.

It looks like it will be a lovely card to receive!!

SaraLynnArt said...

Lovely design! Haha, I'm much more like you - a few days before Christmas is when I remember that I need to send things out! lol

Lauren said...

I love this, it is so cute! That is so cool that you illustrate your Christmas card every year! I am definitely like you, waiting until the last minute :) Have a great Sunday! ~Lauren

WrightStuff said...

Hi Heather - Tam is doing a new course in January. It's painting mythical creatures like unicorns, mermaids, fairies. I think I might sign up for it. It's £42. I figure it's the price of a couple of nights out, so I'm happy with that for all the eduction you get, plus the value of being in a group of like-minded individuals.

Erika Ward said...

your little angels are so cute...and so fitting that they are the inspiration for this year's Christmas card. With those smiles, I'm assuming they aren't on the naughty list this year ;-)

budh.aaah said...

Beautiful card. I am sure the person recieving it would be delighted :)

AtelierBrigitte said...

These card ideas are great!

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather, I haven't started on design my card this year (oops)
Wonderful and festive Santa drawings! Personal, artist done cards are the best!

Linda E. Pruitt said...

Love Santa! Great Sketch! I collect Santa's and display them every Christmas for my grandkids to enjoy! As to Christmas cards, my all over the board from Dec 1 to the 23rd to not at all! :)

apinkdreamer said...

oh what a fantastic sketch!!!you are so talented!!!so glad to find you!

Tammie Lee said...

This is so cute! Your girls and Santa look so cheerful that it makes my heart smile.

I have not even thought about Christmas cards.... But I do want to draw a Santa and an Angel too. I am thinking sooner than later would be a good idea :-}

Kristin Dudish said...

Wow - what lucky recipients of your illustrated cards!
(I'm a last minute kind of gal too!)

I love your note from Santa... adorable.

Those Thanksgiving centerpieces were amazing... I bet your table looked beautiful!


Unknown said...

oh how wonderful is this piece!!!! I love it and I am so into the Holiday Spirit already!!!

Nelly said...

Your santa has magic in his eyes. Your sketch is wonderful. Love it!

Heather Foust said...

Love this post! It is getting me in the spirit! Ho Ho Ho! I am the worst when it comes to greeting cards.

batsick said...

Cute! Here's my early pre Sunday sketch

pinkglitterfae said...

what a darling sketch! I can't wait to see if you turn it into your Christmas cards.
I wait until the last minute, I always say this year will be different, but time seems to get away from me, lol!

Pamela Holderman said...

Love your art work! I don't know if my cards are going to happen this year - may not. We will see. Thanks for visiting my blog. I will be back...