
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Mr. Toast's Christmas Tea

via Elle
Good Morning my bloggy friends,
just wandering around the grounds, admiring the lovely scenery at the Torosay Castle in Scotland.
I arrived late last night after a wonderful visit with Mr. Claus, and a few too many candy canes...

I do believe we arrived just in the nick of time, as Santa was kind enough to
give my sailboat some extra Claus power to make it to

 Wow, what a beautiful location for a Tea.
I am truly enjoying this magnificent spot.

Oh, and as for my adorable date, I sent him out to find a Starbucks
....hope he doesn't get lost out there...



Christine said...

Heather, love your outfit this morning. So glad you arrived safely. All the best to the Clauses!

Anonymous said...

Heather, how neat to come with Santa. Maybe he will leave us a gift??


Michael said...

Heather, so glad you made it! As i already noted, I'm afraid poor elf will be searching high and low throughout the Isle as I don;t believe there are any Starbucks here. Still, he coudl deliver a very cold one at that from the mainland if he took the ferry!

Awfully good of Father Christmas to lend some of his power. Glad you found the non frozen passage here! :)

Love your coat, btw. Sensibly warm and fashionable too.

Brian Miller said...

ah and dont you look lovely...and what luck to run into the claus'...see you at tea...

Morph Waffle said...

Your dress is divine and your date is awesome. Our dates compliment each other, I brought Yukon Cornelius.

The Blog of Bee said...

I see you are having a wonderful time!

Michael said...

Heather, you were such a delight at the Tea. Thank you for adding all your creativity to make it such fun, and thanks for the dance too. Next time I'll wear some padding in my shoes so I can at least be a wee bit taller. :)

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

The fur coat is fantastic! With the weather being so chill it is the perfect choice. Your guest "elf" was quite the charmer!

Lenora said...

yes we arrived with pixie dust too - love your date! Do join our Family Christmas Tea with Mr Toast too!, here

budh.aaah said...

Oh Heather I did decide to go for Mr Toasts but dont feel quite upto it. I am too down the dumps and I think should make a hasty exit instead of being a party pooper her. Lovely to see all the enthusiam around though.

Wanda said...

Oh that dress Heather.... it was made for you!!! And sweet it that!

It was a great fun to have tea with you.