
Monday, February 8, 2010

My Other Love

Ok, for those of you that know me, you know that my other love in this world (besides my family and friends) is Starbucks. I love the whole Starbucks experience and can often be found there several times a day...okay, i may be a little jittery....
but nothing beats a hot cup of coffee, a friendly face...and a little me time!

So, this morning, when I got my usual Venti Skim Misto, I was delighted to find a NEW limited-time design on my white cup, just in time for Valentine's Day....
The Starbucks Love Cups, are meant to encourage customers to revisit, and create their own love drawings. And,  for every drawing submitted, Starbucks will donate five cents, up to one million drawings, to the Global Fund. The contributions will build on the achievements through Starbucks partnership with (RED) tm  by using the inspiration of love to make a difference in the world.  
Through projects like these, Starbucks has generated enough money to buy more that 14 million days of medicine for people living with HIV in Africa.

So go grab a cup of LOVE, and enjoy...See you there!

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