
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Looking for Me?

I'm taking a little R&R with my dear girlfriends...
a little early Mother's Day gift....

As you can see I'm real busy...
just me and my favorite magazines, a book and the sounds of the ocean....
So, happy early Mother's Day to ALL of the moms out there!

"A friend is someone who knows all about you....and LOVES you anyway"
Here's to my girlfriends!!!
"A friend is the first one to come in when the whold world has gone out!"



Marlene said...

Have a wonderful Mother's Day. you look quite comfy on your beach towel.

Julia Christie said...

Happy Mother's day to you too! I'm jealous of your beach time!


Nicola said...

Hahah so cute! Happy mothers day to you too!