
Friday, August 20, 2010

Camp Mom - the final countdown

I like to refer to August as
Camp Mom,
at my house.
Regular camp is over, and I am the official camp counselor around
Ok, so we've done just about everything on our list this year.
We've gone here, here and here...and even here.
So, today, we discovered a great new art supply shop.
I just love a good art inspiring, everything is so new and clean....
we picked up some Prismacolor markers,  I have never really worked with markers before, but I had fun with the colors we bought and this little drawing.
the only bad thing? there was no Starbucks sight....
and we need a lot of that, at Camp Mom....
Enjoy your day!


Marlene said...

Cute illustration, sounds like you are one busy mom.

Heather said...

Thanks Marlene and Sophia. Yes, Sometimes I do feel like Super Mom.
You've inspired me to do a sketch for SS, just with this theme!
oh fun, I will check out your new etsy site.

Julia Christie said...

Love mommy tales...I am knee deep in mommy camp here too and getting ready for school in a few weeks.
Starbucks,,,ahhhh,,,gotta have it!

Smiles and I love this drawing!

Red Cat Cards said...

My daughter's been extremely bored this summer cuz of her Mom who's trying to resolve some financial situation for the betterment of all her family in very near future.. I feel so bad for Audrey but I just need 2 more months and I'll have my whole life to make it up for her =)
I love Camp Mom illustration.. esp kids' legs !! Makes me smile =)

Nicola said...

Camp Mom sounds like great fun!!! Love the illustration, sooo cute!

Catherine Luce said...

Love the inspiring atmoshere!