
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Sketches - A Tribute to Super Mom

This is a tribute to all of the Super Moms
(and dads, you know who you are) out there
who have ALMOST made it through the summer,
entertaining the little people in our lives.
So, I am sure you have had your share of
 Monopoly, arts and crafts, tennis, soccer, museums, beaches, pools,
musicals, day trips, zoos...camping, kayaking, movies, sleepovers...and more, right?
So, With Starbucks in hand I salute YOU!
Great Job!
I love my girls more than anything else in the whole world,
we've had a great summer, but now I am ready for a little camp of my own...
maybe a weekend here, or plans, no ideas, no agendas just ME.

This drawing was actually inspired by my friend, Sophia, who hosts Sunday Sketches, here.
She's pretty super, herself!
Please visit her at The Blue Chair Diary for some great sketches and wonderful artists...
won't you join us this week?


Marlene said...

Heather, this is a fun sketch and will look terrific in color. A great one for all the mom's who are getting kids ready to start school. You illustrations are so good it makes me wish I was an author of children's books so you could illustrate them.

Debbie said...

I agree with Marlene! Your sketches are always so well drawn and show such wonderful detail. Thank you for your kind words on my blog, and your birthday wishes.

Red Cat Cards said...

YAY to Super Mom !!!! Your illustration makes me so happy.. always such a pleasure to look at !

Lauren said...

This sketch is amazing Hetaher, I love all of the detail!! You are so good at illustrating a whole concept in one drawing :) I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday! :) ~Lauren

Julia Christie said...

Oh she is just...well... SUPER Heather! I love all the details and she really looks ready for anything.

ummmm...can I come along for camp Mom??? Boy am I ready for school to start again!

Smiles and have a great Sunday!

Heather said...

YES Julia, you can join me!Thank you everyone for your kind words... I had fun with super mom! She's a little bit of all of us moms (dads) out there!

Michael said...

Adorable and so full of cute details! I love your mom hood here. The world would be a sorry place w/o all the super moms and dads. We just need more of them!

Michael said...

Hey, i just saw the Feature Friday icon. Looks great on your blog and good for your peeps to learn more about you with that fun very interview so full of inspiration oozing from you. Also, thank you for updating the C. T. icon too!

Tammie Lee said...

your drawing is such a wonderful cheers to Super Mom's. Such fun. Thank you for your lovely and supportive comment.

Christine said...

lovely whimsical drawings, I like them. I'm also looking forward to September in a way, it's been a busy summer.

EVA said...

What a great Super Mom!!

Yay - back to school!

Beautiful sketch as always!

Erika Ward said...

Mom powers activate!! I imagine myself in a cape especially when I am tired. I suppose you never get over the fantasy of a super hero... Funny, considering I've become one... at least in my head.

Rebecca Anthony said...

"Super Mom"....this is classic!!!

paula said...

Super Mom, I just love it!

Krista said...

Do you have your confetti ready to throw as soon as the bus pulls away? I do!! As much as I love summer and having the kids home, I'm exhausted!