
Friday, October 15, 2010

What's working...

"I'm trying to focus on the parts of my
life that are working, and not on the parts that aren't ..."
Ali McGraw

When I heard this quote from the Ali McGraw the other day, I couldn't help but think, wow, she's right. So many times we focus on the negative...
but when you stop to look around, there really is a lot of positive....right here with you and in front of you!
I'm taking this thought with me....
for the day!
How about you?


  1. Hi Heather! Yes, I'll take the positive messages today! :o) And what's been working? You! You are cranking out the good work, lady! Happy Friday to you!

  2. Yes, I agree on the positive, for sure! And when things don't seem so positive, we can change our perception. Happiness is really a choice, always there for the taking.

    And really loving the illustration for this, Heather!

  3. What a great way of thinking! :) Your illustration is great, I love the kitty all dressed up!! :)

  4. Great quote, and so true. Why waste so much time on negative anyway, especially if we can't change it.
    By looking at what is working, we feel better and happier, and there's nothing wrong with that :-)
    wonderful illustration too!

  5. You are so right, thanks for the reminder to stay on the positive side.

  6. Wonderful and uplifting thought. Postivity is so much better than negativity. Have a great day! :-)

  7. I'm always for concentrating on the positive! And why worry about things you cannot change or have no control over? Cute drawing, too!

  8. LOVE the drawing, Heather! Fabulous! I agree, no use in focusing on the negative! XX!

  9. Such a great way to look at life... And such a wondeful illustration to accompany that thought :)

