
Monday, December 27, 2010

Illustration Friday - Winter

Let it Snow....
Winter is here, we received a total of 21 inches
with drifts up to 30 inches last night in the first big snow storm of the season. 
The wind is still howling...
Yippee, there are lots of happy people in my house today.
How about you, did you get any snow over the Christmas holiday?


  1. Hi Heather!!!!!!! Your piece is adorable and perfect for the theme!!!! I am so thrilled you got all that snow......I wish we had some.....we want to make some snowmen!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Holidays!!!!!!!!!

  2. Wonderful!!! So cute!!

    We avoided it but it is still white enough!

    What will your family be doing in the snow?

  3. What a playful and fun piece! Hope you had an awesome Christmas!

  4. This is so fun! I also love your Happy Holidays illustration as well! I think you got all our snow LOL! Colorado hasn't seen but a few flakes in the city. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy 2011!

  5. love the big smiles...we got about 6 inches of snow on christmas day...first white christmas in 29 years...enjoy it!

  6. Hee hee - You definitely got what you wished for! Hellooo snow - wow!

    Enjoy the white stuff :)

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas... I look forward to more drawing adventures with you in 2011!


  7. Hee hee, too cute!!! Love the energy in this one so bright and fun! Well done you for getting Illustration Friday done this week!! I'm getting a bit frustrated myself as we've had a crazy week and with family staying with us for the holidays I've not been in my usual routine and not felt very creative, hope to get back into it in the next couple of days. Merry Christmas and happy new year! Thank you for your lovely visits this last year it's been great getting to know your art and yourself through your wonderful blog! xoxo

  8. Heather,
    The picture is marvelous! and Yes, NC had its first Whtie Christmas since 1947 :) However, it is melting and by Thursday it is going to be high 50's so that's the best snow!

  9. We love snow! If we have been to the grocery and are safe at home, we don't care how deep it gets! :)

  10. WOW, 21 inches!? I can only imagine...
    Great illo, love the little mouse kicking up his heel. So happy!

  11. your piece is delightful!

    as to the snow, lucky you! that's alot of snow to get in a short time, I am so envious. I'm getting a bit depressed here, no snow's like winter is forgetting us yet again.
    Enjoy the beauty of your winter wonderland :-)

  12. Merry Christmas, Heather! We have no snow...none! I guess you guys have it all.:)My son is so bummed! You have a super energetic illustration. Love it!
    Cheers! Heather

  13. wow what a snow!! here it is melting a little (holland in the east!)
    Happy Days!

  14. I like the perspective of the mouse's face the best! Cute:-)

  15. Hi, love your pictures it is so full of fun and makes me smile.
    You asked if we were in the house for Christmas and yes, we were. We still have a lot of "stuff" to move back in but are in and enjoying it.

    We had some snow fall but it didn't stay around long.

  16. Oh this makes me want to have snow soooo badly! It is still rain and wind here and no snow forcasted that I know of.

    I just love this drawing! you have really conveyed the excitement and enthusiasm of fresh snow!


  17. I love your IF, Heather. So sweet and adorable. And cozy! 21 inches of snow! Can you send some of that my way?! :)

  18. They both look happy with all that snow!

  19. Oh, send me some snow pleeaaasseee.... (^_^)

    Your girl and her friend is simply adorable, Heather! With all the dreamy white snow around her, I would be all happy and excited too!

    Hugs, oxx

  20. Wonderful! We got some... but not as much as you!

    I love the post-Christmas, red-and-green-are-over winter colors!!

    Happy New Year!

  21. Love your work - a lot of fun.

  22. Hi Heather! It's always nice to hear from a new visitor. Thanks for your comment. Very cute illo.
    Julissa :)
