
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Creatuve Tuesdays - Kitchen

She was the Queen of the Kitchen

This week's theme over at Mr. Toast's Creative Tuesday's is
This is a character that came to mind when I read the theme -

For more Kitchen Creativity, please come join in at Creative Tuesday's

See you there!


Betsy Brock said...

Aw, now I just love this! Adorable!

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh this is adorable! I can see her dancing and hear her singing :)

Dina Thanki said...

This is so cute, it reminds me of my illustration tutor at university, looks a bit like her :) Looks like it was fun to draw too

Michael said...

Hey, you didn't sign up! Glad I came to look at your page anyway as I wanted to tell you, Heather, your style of how you often draw lots of little things with great detail in your pics inspired me for my rendition this time around.

Anyway, so love this piece. Brilliant as always and surely one of the best parts about being in the kitchen! Warm baked cookies and making them too. Love the flair and feeling of this as well as her rosy cheeks. Adorable. TY for doing this. You could sell this, easily too.

maddyrose said...

Love the crown! Every kitchen queen should wear one. This is so cute Heather, it lights up the day.

Unknown said...

Hi Heather!!!!!!!!!!! I love this cute piece....your work always makes me smile!!!!!!!!!

Heather said...

Thank you everyone!!! These comments made my day! Really! I appreciate YOU all so much!

Brian Miller said...

haa. cooking and dancing makes for a nice all the little hearts from the tiara to the cookies...

lissa said...

love the cupcake earrings! she is lovely.

Wanda said...

Oh she is surely the queen of the kitchen, and I can just smell her cookies....what a happy and darling sketch. Love what you do!

Michael said...

Its fun to make you smile. you are such a happy bright person so it is contagious I'd say.

Michael said...

OMG. I had not sen the cupcake earring first time I looked at larger image. WOW> Adorable. Ty to Lissa for pointing that out. You see, Heatherle details. Love it.

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely picture! I was queen of the washing machine today....Valerie

craftydvl said...

I love this, it is beautiful and so rosy and warm-- splendid coloring. It reminds me of being little and baking with my Mom (-:

Unknown said...

Hi Heather, she's wonderful,,,can smell those cookies....

WrightStuff said...

Dancing round the kitchen is one of my favourite pastimes! What a lovely sketch.

Your 9-11 piece is very moving too. We'll never forget.

Christie describeHappy said...

It just makes me want to say... TA DA!!! So much excitement and joy depicted!!

Christine said...

so cute, Heather, and aren't we all Queens of our kitchens?

Morph Waffle said...

So cute! Love her apron and the pose!

Janice said...

So much fun! This makes me want to dance, too! Now, where can I find some cupcake earrings?!!!

Crystal said...

Adorable it you? :-)

linda (dots n doodles) said...

Another lovely character. I adore the heart shaped cookies.

Jenn Bower said...

Awesome-sauce. Great joy and movement in this one, my friend.

Daniella said...

I love her! she is awesome! Is that a spatchla in he hair? Adorable!

Joni Nickrent said...

LOVE IT! Clever, creative and perfect for the challenge! PopArtMinis

Qian said...

Cute! I love the cakes.:-)

Unknown said...

just popped in to get another heart cookie!!! yummy!!!

Melissa Blake said...

this so cute!

Unknown said...

Wish I could draw like you. This is darling. The color is enchanting.

Karena said...

Heather, too adorable you always come up with just the perfect illustrations!! All of the sweet details!


Art by Karena

I hope you will join my amazing Giveaway from the Jose Esteves Collection at Interieurs!

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

So very fun and cute!!!!

Lisa M Griffin said...

Isn't she adorable! Very cute. :)

Kristin Dudish said...

This is such a wonderful pose - I love the movement (and the hearts, of course)!


Jenn Bower said...

Hey, H! Thanks for the love on my blog this morning. You are right, I am so nervous about presenting my work at the conference. Thanks for the positive reinforcement. I can see your PPF post in my reader, but can't link to it and comment on your blog. It doesn't show up. Love the outfit. I think this fashion scenes in watercolor are my favorite things you do. I could so see you doing this type of illo for Vogue! Happy week-ending to ya, and yes, the temps dropped 20 degrees down here too. Fall is upon us.