
Friday, September 23, 2011

Hello Autumn...

Happy First Day of Autumn

It's my favorite season....

Pumpkin Spiced Lattes
Mulling Spices
Tail Gate Parties
Football games
Fall Foliage Drives
Cool Evenings
Fire Pits
Pumpkin Pie
Apple Picking

and the list goes on....
how about you?
What's your favorite part about fall?


maddyrose said...

Pumpkin pie, leaves changing color, sleeping under a thick comforter, the smell of apple pie baking in the oven, these are among my favorite things when I think of autumn. Happy PPF.

Christine said...

thanks for sharing your love of fall. I'm working on it. It does get so cold and blustery! I love your painting today, wonderful fall colours.

Valerie-Jael said...

I love the colours, the mists, and the sadness of Autumn. But what are tail gate parties?? Valerie

Crystal said...

You've listed them all! Except maybe pumpkin carving! Love this, love it...:-)

Brian Miller said...

i love autumn for all similar reasons...treated my wife to her first pumpkin latte of the season just the other day...the trees are just starting to change and get ready for long walks beneath them..

Anonymous said...

warm days, cool evenings, thanksgiving, Halloween, but the change of season is what i love most, beautiful painting, she's lovely, I love her soft eyes,

alarmcat said...

it's my favorite season, too. love the cooler days and nights. my favorite part is the food! it's soup season at our house!

Tammie Lee said...

so very cute and perfect for the season!

Joni Nickrent said...

I love your whimsical and joyful! PERFECT! POP ART MINIS

michele said...

Mmm- mm! Pumpkin Spiced Lattes- The return of the Great Pumpkin! ;o)

Unknown said...

oh I love all of your reasons for loving Autumn and I especially love your wonderful Illustration!!! your work is beautiful Heather!!!

Happy Sweet Saturday!!!

Robin Panzer Art said...

Happy Sweet Saturday! Lovely piece!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Love it! And love this favorite. I love everything about it. The colors, apples, football, pumpkin pie, cool weather, the scent of cinnamon... everything!

Michael said...

Awww..that is darling. Love it. so you.

AtelierBrigitte said...

Lovely colors - really autumn!