
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sunday Sketches - Let's Play

I have been pretty busy the last week playing " Camp Counselor" to my little Saylor. 
Summer is in camp already but Saylor prefers what we call around our house, "Camp Mom."
We've had all sorts of fun creating our very own version of Camp. 
Movies, parks, reading, painting and drawing. She is also quite the little artist...
She has been helping me create some great ideas for my Summer Collection coming out soon!

Today, I am excited to share with you all one of the projects that we worked on this week - 
Our very own magnetic paper dolls - they really are so much fun and perfect for summer time playing!

So today, we are sharing our version of Saylor the Mermaid. Simply print the picture below onto magnetic paper and you can have some fun swimming and collecting shells in lots of fancy new mermaid clothes!

Now, Let's Play - And, isn't that what summer's should be for, anyway? 

Save the above picture. 
print . enjoy. play.
See you at Sunday Sketches, here !


Brian Miller said...

ha. we have a similar camp around here...hardest part of summer is def finding ways to entertain...or turn them your paper dolls...

Christine said...

So cute Heather!

Valerie-Jael said...

Sounds like you 2 are having big fun in your camp, wish I could join int, too! Valerie

WrightStuff said...

Gorgeous. I've never heard of magnetic paper for sale round these parts (but I guess that's what google is for!).

Unknown said...

Hi Heather, this is fandabiedosey, love love love...what super fun you are having with your girl... :)

Kristin Aquariann said...

What a cute idea! Saylor the Mermaid is marvelous.

-:¦:- Art Update: Daffodil Flower Drawing -:¦:-

Lenora said...

that's an awesome idea - we have done paper dolls for years but printing to magnetic i never thought of! camp mom - that's great!

Wanda said...

Heather, your darling girls are such an inspiration.

I spent hours as a little girl, drawing, cuting and making paperdolls. We backed them with cardboard from the cereal boxes, and made all kinds of colorful clothes from scraps of wall paper.

So much fun... so many memories.

Tammie Lee said...

ah such a charming thing to do with your daughter and so lovely of you to share this with us.

Debbie said...

You're so sweet to share your adorable mermaid! Happy Sunday!

carol l mckenna said...

She is adorable and bet your little helper is too! ~~ thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

Betsy Brock said...

haha... Camp Mom. I love that! I bet hanging out in your house is very fun!

Love that mermaid collection...and paper dolls are just so cute!

MS Raghav said...

simply cute! ^_^

Anonymous said...

that is so cute, such a good mum you are, I love the names of your children,

Jenn Bower said...

This is just adorable. What a great idea. And, what wonderful memories the two of you will have from this special time together.

Wanda said...

Left you a followup reply on my CT Blog.

Liz Powley said...

She is seriously cute and I love the colour combinations.


Tracey FK said...

Mom camp looks more fun than any other camp she could go to... I am sending the link onto my sister so she can share the mermaid with her daughter... darling Grace will love it... how wonderful of you to share... So sorry I am so late visiting this week but so glad I didn't miss this...xx

Joanne Osband said...

Yes, summer is for playing! Very clever "Mom Camp" and what fabulous memories together :)

Michael said...

Oooh, i really like that. Very clever indeed. Looks wonderful, Heather.

Hannah said...

Naw, she is super cute. My daughter will love her. Thanks!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

so very cute! how wonderful to have your own camp for the little one!