
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday Sketches - A Painted Piggy

This little piggy is all complete.
I painted her with watercolors and touched up her dress with digital color.
She will be the first in my 
This Little Piggy Nursery Rhyme Series.

This Little Piggy is all dressed and  ready for her trip to the  market.
I am sharing her with my friends over at Sunday Sketches
See you there!


WrightStuff said...

I wonder what she's going to buy?

She is delightful Heather.

PS - tennis men's final starting soon... go Andy Murray!!

carol l mckenna said...

She is adorable and so well created ~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

Christine said...

Oh such a cute little piggy! Lovely all coloured in.

Lynn Cohen said...

I would adore sharing your characters with my grandchildren. I'll have to bring them to your blog to see. Unless you have them in a book somewhere?

Brian Miller said...

awww isnt she lovely...pretty in pink...i love the rather bashful pose as well...

Rita said...

Such a cute piggy! Love the flowers.

Molly said...

Adorable! Love her daisy necklace!!

Sabina said...

Cutest piggie ever--and loving the mix of paint and digital color.

Alicia C said...

oh what a cute happy pig!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Heather, thanks for popping by. I love your Piggy series... I wonder what she's going to buy at the market.. :)

Jenn Bower said...

This is just wonderful. Love the use of texture and flat color. Your work just keeps getting better and better.

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Wow! Little Miss Piggy sure is a cutie! I love her demure stance, and happy little face :)