
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Follow Your Heart

 Happy February
Well, today we are finally taking down our Christmas tree - I know, right? I just couldn't! It was too beautiful! BUT,  I did take off all of the ornaments on New Years day. I decided to leave the tree up with only the white lights. It was really magical, just with the tiny twinkling white lights, AND believe it or not, it still smelled delicious.

So today it comes down, but then....the Valentine decorations go up! I will be sure to share it with you all when we are done decorating!

Enjoy your weekend! And remember, FoLLoW your HeArT


Brian Miller said...

just now taking down the tree?!? oh my...ha..your picture made me smile...not too long back my youngest made a bow out of a stick and a very large rubber band...made me think of that...

Christine said...

You know Heather, it's Chinese New Year Feb 10th, you could've left them up till then, lol!

Wanda said...

I love all the holidays, and love decorating for each. I did leave up my splashes of red, and added pink for February...make Valentine cookies from White cake mix, and pink and red M&M's. Recipe on my blog.