
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sunday Sketches - The Post It girls

Good Morning
What do I do with Post It notes piled next to my bed?
I draw faces...faces...and more faces!

Yes, I love thinking of moods, people or characters
that I see throughout the week and just creating a quick sketch of their face...
LOTS of post it notes around here!
So, I have attached a few here to show you what my sketchy brain looks like on a Post It note!

I am sharing these with my friends over at Sunday Sketches.
Visit Sophia's blog, here to participate!
Hope your Sunday is a good one -
Yes, we got snow!
Snowtober, they are calling it!
I am sharing the blank pages of post it girls for you to color in yourself! PRINT, Style and have fun!


Anonymous said...

I love all the faces, its like they are looking in the mirror, all different expressions..

maddyrose said...

I should have known you were one of those people who have little sketches all over the place. Great idea keeping post its near at hand to make quick little sketches. Happy Sunday Heather. Enjoy the snow.

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh these are super. Really great expressions!

Unknown said...

oh I love all of your faces Heather!!!! these are so much fun!!! and working on facial expressions is perfect!!!!! Happy Sunday!!!!

Tammie Lee said...

Heather, you are awesome with expressions and faces. I love seeing these! Do you dream about faces? Last night I realized I was dreaming about my art!

Valerie-Jael said...

Great faces, love all the different expressions! Valerie

Virtual Boy said...

Faces are the most fun thing to draw... I don't think any of my artworks are complete if it lacks a face! XD
Adorable girls! Do you color them digitally?...

// -T.W-

Betsy Brock said...

Fun, fun! I love all the different expressions! Hope you're having a lovely Sunday! Still have snow?

Christine said...

what a cute collection of faces and expressions! Love the eyes, they say it all.

WrightStuff said...

Faces are much more interesting than the scribbled notes I've got on my post its!! Those usually remind me of the jobs I need to get done!

carol l mckenna said...

Aw! Wonderful face sketching! Awesome ~~ thanks, namaste, CArol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy SS ^_^

Brian Miller said...

nice...i like your play on faces...keep the bangs i will take the long flowing tresses...she is trying really hard to hide that smile in the negativity how many inches did you end up getting....only sleet here... : (

Sabina said...

Such a cool concept! My favorite is "She let go of negativity" because it made me laugh.

Unknown said...

Happy Halloween Heather!! Love these and am completely in love with your header, so adorable!!


Janet said...

What cute faces! I like all the different expressions and feelings they evoke.

Debbie said...

how generous of you to share your super cute girls! Happy Sunday!

Joni Nickrent said...

What a fun the before and afters and the color it yourself! POP ART MINIS

hime s said...

i would love to have illustrated post-it-notes like this!!!!

GalleryJuana said...

I love these! They make a great collection to have on a poster or large print.

Unknown said...

Fantastic those faces especially the first one...