
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Holiday Mugs are IN

Yippeee, my Rose Hill Designs holiday mugs have arrived-
They are all dressed and ready for coffee, tea and hot cocoa holding!
 (they make great pencil holders, too!)
I think I will need one for everyday of the week!

Have a good one!

mugs are available through my Etsy shop


Joni Nickrent said...

Oh, how cute...they're adorable!

Crystal said...

Wonderful Heather! Love them! :-)

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful mugs, one for each day of the month would be great too! Valerie

Brian Miller said...

oooo very cool...just in time to hold the warm stuff on those cold days...

SecretFashionLove said...

I love holiday mugs. And i love christmas. Looking forward for christmas.

Love S.

Christine said...

Oh they really put you in the holiday spirit!

Unknown said...

Oohhh liking those mugs....

Michaele Razi said...

So sweet! And great idea too.

Unknown said...

oh these are the cutest mugs ever Heather....they will make amazing special gifts!!!!!

Betsy Brock said...

SO cute!!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful Heather!
I love your illustrations... Where did you get your mugs made.. what a wonderful Christmas gift!
I am amazed with your drawings.. as I said from Day ONE!

Cameron said...

Those are adorable...and mugs are one thing everyone can use!

Janet said...

owww I love your mugs! :-)

Jenn Bower said...

Hard to believe the holidays are here again. I love your work on the mugs. What great gifts they make.

Molly said...

they are adorable. what a great idea!

hey, i gave you an award over at my blog... check it out! ;-)

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

These are so cute Heather!! :)

Anonymous said...

oh they are so pretty, lovely gifts,,I have had to start a new blog I hope you will follow me there, I linked it from my old one for a bit,,