
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Sketches - Jack's Here!

Good Morning
It's time for Sunday Sketches over at The Blue Chair Diary -

We had a visitor this morning when we woke up...
Yes, Jack Frost  has cast his magic all over our front lawn...
It was simply beautiful!

So, my girls and I sat at the kitchen table and sketched for a bit, and this is what I came up with!
Has Jack been by your place, yet?

Happy Sketching....
See you at Sunday Sketches, here


Valerie-Jael said...

He was here, and sprinkled the lawn with sparkles! Valerie

Joni Nickrent said...

Hello Jack...what a wonderfully, whimsical character you are! Love his frosted magic!

Jennibellie said...

Awwww this is wonderful Heather! Thanks for sharing much love Jennibellie x

Victoria said...

Wow..jack is magical..beautiful! No signs of jack here yet..

gatheringwonder said...

great line work

Molly said...

I'm not ready for jack to arrive....although I love your whimsical interpretation!

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh this is adorable and I love the reindeer peeking in the background!
Yup Jack frost was here something serious early in October but since then he has not as yet returned. Must be because he is in the States :)

WrightStuff said...

Jack does cast some magic over cold mornings doesn't he? Makes you forget the chill.

Morph Waffle said...

That is one cute little happy Jack Frost! Loving his forest friends in the background!

maddyrose said...

Yes, he's been here as well. I didn't see him or I might have tried sculpting him. Now that I've got this picture to go by I may still try. Have a great Sunday.

Wanda said...

I'm taking a break from blogging till after my surgery. But I'm still trying to visit my favorites...and you are one.

Love Jack...he's adorable...Hope you'll post him again in color. But then...frost is white! HaHa

Brian Miller said...

yes and my boys were excited because that means we heat their clothes up in the dryer in the morning until he goes away...smiles. cute going to color him?

Debbie said...

We saw jack too a couple of nights ago! Your Jack sketch is adorable!

Teri said...

Oh what a cute guy. I am in Arizona so I HOPe he doesn't come visit. lol

JKW said...

Yikes, you sound like you live in the Tundra. . . way too early for that. He is adorable and whimsical and I love him. Blessings, Janet PPF

Anonymous said...

Lovely! : ) xx

Christine said...

Cute sketch! And yes, Jack's been here, lol.

hime s said...

love it!!

Betsy Brock said...

Jack is visiting us, too! Don't you love frost when the sun shines on it and it sparkles? It's so fun!

GalleryJuana said...

Jack hasn't arrived here yet but he sure looks happy and cute at your place:)

Andrew Finnie said...

Heather, ahh I wish he was. We have the fairy that makes the sand hot and turns the grass yellow. Must be Jack's alter ego.

Beautiful drawing, full of light/ I can see Jack d ancing on your lawn sprinkling magic everywhere he goes.

Greetings from Oz :)

carol l mckenna said...

Ooooooh ~ did I miss this? This is wonderful! Love it!

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