
Monday, December 26, 2011

A little sugar coated wonderland....

I am traveling with my family
and I am delighted to say we drove far enough north to find SNOW!

It looks like a sugar coated wonderland!
I hope you are enjoying your week - and that you had a wonderful holiday...

What are you up to this week?

- xo


Wanda said...

Just posted my Creative Tuesday theme of 12 Days of Christmas.

Had a wonderful Christmas Day with family, all the grandchildren and great grandsons. So much fun.

NO SNOW...warm sunshine in Southern CA...perfect day.

Brian Miller said...

nice...wish we had snow! am at my parents and will commute back and forth to work the rest of the week while the fam has fun...then we are off to cleveland for new son and i are going to the new years day pittsburgh-cleveland game...woot woot

Betsy Brock said...

Wow,...that photo is SO looks vintage!

We're flopping at home, watching old movies and eating Christmas cookies. :) It might snow here tomorrow!

Christine said...

We have no snow in Toronto! We're having a lazy day at home today, avoiding the boxing day sales. Made Turkey pot pie. Enjoy your trip!

Unknown said...

Have a wonderful time...i'm enjoying looking at everyones snow snow here, a little frost and sunshine. :)

Valerie-Jael said...

This looks pretty! Valerie

Anonymous said...

enjoy your time away and the snow.
We have some snow, not what we normally do, we are spending the week with family,

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

It is beautiful! Have a wonderful time traveling with your family Heather! :)

Dear Fireflies said...

Heather dear, wishing you a magical holiday from here! Hugs,oxx

Michelle said...

So weird not to have snow here. Last year at this time, we were driving through the horrible blizzard on the NJ Turnpike. This is much better! Hope you're enjoying your time there!

Jehanne's doodles said...

oh this is beautiful Heather!
It will be nice to see some snow. So far this year we have not really seen any; a little sprinkle on Christmas night but that has all melted. It seems so far that the snow has been replaced this year by very strong to weak hurricane level storms.

Kristin Dudish said...

I hope you're having a wonderful time in your travels and that your Christmas was magical! (I loooove that Madeline ornament a few posts down - how perfect that she is peeking out of a Starbucks cup!)


IrelandBrady said...

What a wonderful photo! Makes me wish for snow here in Oregon.

Happy New Year!