
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday Sketches - Oh Christmas Tree!

It's Sunday Sketch time!
Just a doodle from my sketch book this week - mmmm, the smell of a fresh cut Christmas tree is delicious!
It was so fragrant in my house this past week after we cut down our Christmas tree last week - and this doodle is what came to my mind as I sat down to sketch something for this week's Sunday Sketches!

Happy Sunday to you my friends - Looking forward to visiting you all!~


Brian Miller said...

happy sunday! i do love the smell of a fresh cut tree at where is the pic of your tree?

Wanda said...

What a cute "tree hugger"....I love Christmas...the trees, the decorations, the special flavors at Starbucks...Yummm

How fun that you cut your own tree. Our daughter in Oregon just put up a 9 foot Oregon fir... Wow, my little house, can only hold a little tree....but I love it.

Anonymous said...

oooo, I can smell it too! Thankyou mines plastic!
thats a cutie hugging the tree,

Christine said...

Mine's plastic too, I remember how good the real ones used to smell as a child! Nice sketch!

Sophie with her Illustrations said...

Happy sketching Sunday I wish I had the time to participate with you all this week. I love how cheerful this missy is, truly in the spirit of Christmas.
Have a wonderful week Heather

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Oh... this is so sweet! We just did the tree today. Not real. I do use bits of real evergreen throughout the house though for that wonderful fresh scent! :)

Debbie said...

Christmas makes me smile too! Love your happy sketch this week!

Joni Nickrent said...

oh, I can smell the scent of fresh pine...what a wonderful sketch filled with funshine!

Morph Waffle said...

What an adorable doodle. I love the smell of Christams trees, the best!

Tracey FK said...

what a beautiful sketch... we never have a real tree as it is too hot here where we live in Australia and they wilt... wish I could have this as a scratch and smell card ...xx

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely sketch, and a lovely smell - you are right! Valerie

Vanessa Brantley Newton said...

Thanks Heather so much for joining us in the contest! I love your tree hugger illustration he he he he! It's so funny and cute. Great work.

EVA said...

Adorable! It looked like you had a fun tree cutting trip from the photo and this really reconfirms it!

Crystal said...

Awww, Heather it makes me all warm and fuzzy just viewing your Christmas tree. I currently have four decorated trees in my house but as of this year and last---all of them are fake. Guess I just got tired of vacuuming up the needles. I do have a balsam air freshener in every room so it still feels like Christmas. :-)

Gloria Baker said...

I love how smell Christmas tree is amazing:)

Jenn Bower said...

You're a 'tree hugger' I new it :) I love the smell of Christmas. For years we've had artificial trees and I am going au natural this year. I can't wait. I've no doubt your house looks awesome for the holidays. Wishing you all the merry best this season and thanks for being my friend.

GalleryJuana said...

sweet! Makes me happy just looking at this illustration:)

lissa said...

very sweet sketch. & love your new header art

Unknown said...

Hi Heather, love love love the new the smell of a Christmas tree...nothing like it..have a good week...:)

Hannah said...

You certainly are getting into the holiday spirit :) This is adorable and I LOVE your blog header!

Betsy Brock said...

Oh, I bet your house smells SO wonderful!

Michaele Razi said...

Awww...Love the baby tree and her sweet expression!

Unknown said...

Oh there is nothing better than the scent of a tree!!!! Love this piece Heather and I love the new blog header.....gorgeous!!!!!

Jess said...

Sweet sketch! I'm looking forward to that lovely christmassy smell this year. :o)
Jess xx

Joanne Osband said...

I love the warmth you created in your sketch. You can feel her passion for Christmas :) and yours too!