
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year - Sunday Sketches

Happy New Year
my friends -
I spent New Year's Eve with my family up in 
and we just returned home...
We had a wonderful trip - even a few snowstorms!

I did a lot of sketching while we were there, and am sharing this happy ice skater with you today...
when I was a young girl I dreamed of becoming a famous ice skater...
 So, I came up with this little sketch of a young girl with big dreams!

I look forwarding to seeing what my friends over at
Sunday Sketches are up to today!
See you there!


Brian Miller said...

better her than me...went ice skating the week before christmas...have not been that sore in a long time...haha...glad you had a good trip...happy new year!!

Betsy Brock said...

Welcome home! And Happy New Year! xo

Kelly Berkey said...

Happy New Year! Adorable sketch!

Tracy said...

Oh Heather, what a beautiful header...and I love the sketch for today! reminds me of growing up by the river and every winter we'd spend long days and nights skating...wonderful memories!
Have a blessed New year :)

Unknown said...

wonderful new sketch Heather and your trip sounds amazing!!!! Wishing you all the best in 2012!!!! Happy New Year!!!

Jehanne's doodles said...

Such a joyful sketch. Happy New year Heather:)

Wanda said...

Darling sketch, filled with big dreams.

I never learned to skate...I tried, but could not master it, but love to watch those who do.

Wishing you a Wonderful New Year.

Lenora said...

ahhhh snowstorms! Happy New Year - frolicky sketch! Fun!

maddyrose said...

Love the happy skater. She looks so happy and makes me remember how much I loved skating. Happy New Year Heather. Hugs

manomij said...

Happy New year Heather, I just hopped by to catch up with some of your blog posts!

Laura said...

Travelling around blogland today -Happy New Year Heather! Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday! We had a white Christmas too (first one since moving down south!) Best wishes to you & yours for 2012!

Joni Nickrent said...

Very sweet! Happy New Year!

Tammie Lee said...

so sweet!
do you skate in winter?
my road is icy now and my mail man told me that when he was young they would skate on bumpy icy roads! I don't know how to skate but i enjoy xc skiing.