
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday Sketches - My Inspiration(s)

A lot of people ask me about where my inspiration comes from -
Honestly, it can change from day to day - a mood, a picture, a thought, something I might see in town, people, places, or a song or a book -
BUT, my biggest inspiration comes from my two children, Summer and Saylor....
Two loveable characters, indeed!

Summer is sporty, funny, beautiful, moody, silly and oh so very smart....

 Saylor is red-headed freckly adorable budding artist...she's a fashionista and a stuffed animal lover...and she never leaves home without her purse and some purple! oh yeah!

So, today I am sharing that with you all - You may recognize some of traits of these wonderful girls inside a lot of my characters, they truly are my biggest inspiration!

I am so proud to share them with you!
Stay tuned for more....Adventures with Summer and Saylor!

Now, I am off to visit with my friends over at Sunday Sketches - See you there! Grab a pencil and come join in, here

For daily updates and more from Rose Hill Designs, come visit us here on FACEBOOK - if you haven't already!  See you there!

PS - A Thank you and a Give Away coming! When we reach 260 Followers...Stay Tuned........


Victoria said...

Oh my..these girls are dazzling and super-adorable..enchanting..they carry such beautiful spirit! your work is always magical!

Christine said...

Love this tribute to your 2 little treasures! Interesting how they have their own personalities.

Unknown said...

oh this was the sweetest post ever Heather!!!! I love seeing where you get your inspiration.....amazing how much our children can inspire our art!!!! love this!!!!

Lucidmemoirs - Priya said...

Aww... cute girly girl paintings, i love the expression she has on her face!

carol l mckenna said...

They are charming and delightful ~ so talented ~ namaste, carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy SS

Valerie-Jael said...

Your little beauties must really be a fountain of inspiration! Valerie

Joni Nickrent said...

A great place to get your whimsical and wonderful illustrations!

Tracy said...

they look very sassy and spunky! I love it...reminds me of some of my students!

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh they are darling :D
Do you ever ask them to pose? I get (beg) mine to strike a pose at times when I get stuck :)

Brian Miller said...

fun how different our kids can be...and mine def inspire me all the nice to meet your girls...hope you have a lovely day with them...

Tammie Lee said...

ah, your daughters sound wonderfully charming, fun and wonderful! they look awesome in your art! good inspiration indeed!

Unknown said...

Love the redhaired especially!! :)

Dear Fireflies said...

Your girls are such darlings, Heather! I can definitely see them in your art and I have no doubt they bring you so much inspiration everyday.

I hope you're having lovely days over there! oxx

Kristin said...

Ohhhh, this is probably my FAVORITE ever (wellll, I do love your mice ;) but to put your babies in there - and to sum up their personalities so - I just LOVE it!
I'm a fan, xoxo

WrightStuff said...

OOh they are so cute and look full of mischief!!

Tracey FK said...

Your girls are adorable... and so lucky that you can celebrate them through your art... they will look back on all this down the track and be so proud... you are like a super mum!!!

Betsy Brock said...

They are adorable! This will be fun!

Julia Christie said...

So cute! Your girls must be such a wonderful source of inspiration! And I love your description of their personalities!!! You have rendered them so well - A possible book about them???

I always want to see a book from you don't I?!

Smiles and hugs

Crystal said...

You have two wonderful inspiring and adorable muses! The love comes through you artwork! :-)

Hannah said...

Adorable! These illustrations really do portray so much character. Children are the best inspiration, aren't they?

Michael said...

AwwwWWWwwww...this is totally adorable. your kids are so loved. LOVE that. :)

Beurrée said...

I had noticed that your sketches were inspired from your daughters, as you shared their pictures with us a few times :-)
And it made me feel I NEED TO do the same with my growing toddler ! :-)
I LOVE your drawings and would really like to draw my Daughter's everyday expressions and actions :-)
But I need to learn how to draw first... hmmm..
So would you PLEASE advise me on where to start? Which book to read? which tools to use?
Thanking you in advance !
All the BEST to you and your Family !