
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Happy Heart

A Happy Heart
 Makes the Face Cheerful
It's Wednesday - time for our weekly coloring page....
(some fun from my sketchbook!)

CLICK on the picture... Print it  out and COLOR it!

Ok, let's see what you can do with this one!
Share it with your kids, your grand kids, yourself, your boyfriend, girlfriend... or your sweetheart...
but if you do color it, don't forget to share it with us!

Have a great Wednesday...
oh, and by the way, I am working my blog on Google if it looks a bit different...
That's why!


Brian Miller said... should pitch it to the heart association...a happy heart is a healthy heart you know...i like its long socks...smiles...

happy wednesday heather....

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Super cute, Heather! <3 :)

Christine said...

Here's to a happy heart!

Unknown said...

oh this is so sweet!!! what a wonderful happy Heart Heather!!!! Wishing you a super fun and creative day!!!