
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring is Springing!

The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.
—Harriet Ann Jacobs

Spring is in full bloom here and I feel like my spirit is blooming again too - Spring is certainly a time for reflection and renewal.  After the darkest days of winter, there remains hope in Spring's  breath of fresh air - For all things new, do come - and everyday natures beauty blooms before our very eyes - we know that life is full of greatness and miracles, once again....

Enjoy today
Stretch - Bloom - Blossom and Thrive....For it's a new season!


blueberries in the fields said...

hello dearest Heather. Spring is in the air and it all makes us so happy. enjoy your day! love your little mice as always ^_^

Brian Miller said...

smiles...spring is def in the air here as well...all kinds of beauty popping up...def loving being out int eh fresh air more and more...

Lauren said...

Hi Heather! What a beautiful photo. I can definitley feel the spring in the air, so refreshing! :) Hugs, Lauren

Valerie-Jael said...

Here it as at last like spring too, so lovely! Enjoy your spring! Valerie

Christine said...

It was more like summer here today, the daffodils are up! Happy Spring to you Heather.


have a lovely spring, Heather!