
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Sketches - best friends

"Best Friends"
"Fiona bear sleeps during the day," she said...
"At night, Fiona stays awake to keep away the monsters and watch over me..." 
inspired from one of my little ones this week

I am a sharing Fiona Bear with Sunday Sketches 

See you there!


Brian Miller said...

yay....nice shading...and i love the bear and the look on her face...hope you are having a great weekend!

Crystal said...

Love the bear. And they do keep monsters away! :-)

Crystal said...

Love the bear. And they do keep monsters away! :-)

Christine said...

oh this is such a sweet sentiment to go with your cute sketch Heather!

Unknown said...

I love your shading. Happy Weekend!

Valerie-Jael said...

We all need a friend like Fiona Bear! Lovely work! Valerie

carol l mckenna said...

She is adorable ~ and well done as usual ~ namaste, carol ~ linked w/ SS ^_^

ANNE said...

Awww so sweet! Love this.


Victoria said...

So heartwarming..charming souls..beautiful!

WrightStuff said...

Well of course, because our bears are our protectors, but nobody must know they come alive... (though we all secretly do!).

Molly said...

So sweet. I particularly like her rosy, freckled cheeks!

Tracy said...

I like Fiona Bear...and certainly a trustworthy friend to keep monsters away!

Debbie said...

Fiona is adorable! I love her cute little nose and her eyes have so much expression in them!

Unknown said...

It's a bears job to protect sleeping beauty's from night this...great job Heather . Hugs

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh this is lovely. Yes teddies do work :)

Anonymous said...

Cute sketch, love the bear ^_^

Sabina said...

I like the sorta smirk on this girl's face... like she's up to something.

Gwen said...

How adorable..Teddy's expression is priceless!

Betsy Brock said...

what a sweet teddy to do that! :)

Morph Waffle said...

Sweet, just love those freckles and little rosey cheeks!

Unknown said...

Hi Heather!!!!!!!! This is the cutest piece and so sweet that it was inspired by your little ones.....Children are amazing and a huge inspiration!

Hope you're having an amazing weekend!

Tracey FK said...

That shading is so perfect and those lips... I am sooo going to practice getting them looking that good... great sketch...xx

Joanne Osband said...

SWEET! Cuddling with a stuffed animal is one of life's treasures. You captured this closeness beautifully.

Joni Nickrent said...

Awww...everyone needs a teddy bear friend! So cute!

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Aww... that is so cute. I love her freckled cheeks! :)

AtelierBrigitte said...

Hold Fiona close to you!

Michaele Razi said...

I'm dying, this is so cute!