
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Sketches - Yes, You Are

I have been painting positive thoughts this morning!
I love to leave these painted words around the house for my girls!
I usually end up taping them to their mirrors or sticking them inside their book bags....
Someday they will appreciate it!

We all can use little reminders that we are worthy and that we matter, 
don't you think?

I am sharing this with my friends over at Sunday Sketches - come join the fun! 

See you there!


Unknown said...

Hi Heather, I used to do that for my girls too, especially when they went on school trips...I'd pack post it notes with fun things on them... :)they loved I have to send letters...with big Mummy hugs in them... waiting for Easter when my big girl will be home...:)

Tracy said...

what a great idea Heather. I know my son would love them. I do put notes in his lunchbox but this is a cool idea....thanks!

Tammie Lee said...

you are such a lovely mama~
your messages for them have made me smile.

carol l mckenna said...

Heather ~ what wonderful message to send to your children ~ and even more important ~ created by you ~ enjoy the week ~namaste, carol ^_^

Debbie said...

I agree, and it's a great way to tell your children!

Christine said...

Just a lovely thing to do!

Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely idea, must try it here! Valerie

Brian Miller said...

smiles...loving your positive thoughts....there is a wall in charlottesville that is graffiti-ed with the words you are beautiful...

Anonymous said...

such a wonderful affirmation of love and faith in your children!

Betsy Brock said...

How very sweet. Everyone benefits from encouragment!

Tracey FK said...

You are such a super mum... I used to do nice things like that when my daughter was little and put them in her lunch box, but every ow and again i used to put in one that said something like your feet are really smelly... the stormy look on her face when I went to pick her up was always worth it... priceless parenting moments... xx

Unknown said...

Thanks for the positive thoughts! I need them so much!! :))

Joanne Osband said...

Yes, thanks for the positive reminders.

Having said this to my daughter often by about 4 years old she began to answer, "I know it!" when someone else told her she was beautiful. :)

Kristin said...

Your lettering is so pretty! Beautiful job, xo

Marie Rayner said...

Love it! Great sentiment! I always used to put notes in my children's lunches too, and also in my husband's!