
Monday, December 6, 2010


Ahoy, mateys, yes, this is actually a 2 lb lobster dinner....
Made out of gingerbread!
How neat, and oh so very creative! Just one of the many gingerbread creations we saw this past weekend on my trip to Massachusetts. I am not very good with gingerbread, my last creation fell apart....I work my magic better on paper, than creating houses out of sugar! So this was a delight for me to see!

I am taking a little R&R today, after a fabulous time yesterday at Mr. Toast's Tea, I am quite exhausted. It was great fun spending the afternoon with you all, over at my dear friend, Mr. Toast's. 

Hope you enjoyed your weekend. Did you do anything special?


Brian Miller said...

ha. it was a fun time yesterday at tea...what a cool creation...usually around christmas we will make gingerbread houses...

Michael said...

Well, you did dance up a storm, my dear Heather!

Yes, with all that activity you coudl safely eat that entire lobster and be just fine. What an incredible creation! Whoa.

Molly Jane said...

Wow! That is incredible! You definitely have to have a lot of patience to be able to create that. I just stumbled across your blog today and love it. Conside me your newest follower!


Molly Jane

Ps. Stop by and say hello!

Christine said...

wow that's incredible Heather, thanks for sharing. It was a fun tea party.

Krista said...

Wow! Amazing!

We made a gingerbread house several years ago (Actually, my kids say, "yeah mom, YOU really made it")and just threw it out last year as it started slipping apart. There was no chance of ever eating it because every kid in the neighborhood had their fingers all over it! Eeeewww!

Tracy said...

Oh my gosh, what a creative gingerbread! who would have ever thought! I love it!
personally, we cheat and make it out of a kit!

Julia Christie said...

Gingerbread is not my forte either so I have purchased a house that is already constructed and just waiting for the candy decs to be applied - cheating yes, but now I may have some success this year:-)

Hope you had a wonderful weekend...sounds and looks like it!

Missing you lately, just so very busy...

Hugs and smiles

Lauren said...

That lobster is so cool, I love it! I hope you have had a nice relaxing day :) ~Lauren

Jehanne's doodles said...

Wow that is rather amazing! :)

Kylie said...

I'm not sure my tastebuds would know what to do with a gingerbread lobster, they might get confused! ^_^ Sit back and relax it really is a stupidly busy time of year. xo

Heather Foust said...

Wow very cool! Lobster Gingerbread I would never had put the 2 together. But pretty cool!