
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Creative Tuesdays - Holidays

in the magic of the HOLIDAYS

This week's theme over at Creative Tuesday's is Holidays
My litte Percy Peroo, believes, do you?


Katerina Galati said...

Heather, your painting is wonderful. I love the combination of little girl's wishes along with mouse wishes and of course the little tree in the nest. This image remind me the fairytales of my childhood!!

Jenn Bower said...

Yeah! I love all the movement, energy and wonderful details in this piece, from the decorations to the little mouse cubby-hole. Your colors are always so joyous! YEAH, for the holidays! Have a great week.

Betsy Brock said...

That is SO cute. Love that the mouse is dressed the same...and her little tree in her mouse house showing, too! :)

Christie describeHappy said...

Aww, this is so special and sweet! It's cute how not only your lovely gal has her list, but also her mouse friend!! It's darling!

Unknown said...

I just signed up for Mr. Toast's Creative Tuesdays and yours was the very first submission I've visited. Your piece is sweet and fun and I like all the wonderful little details. Is Percy Peroo a regular subject in your artwork?

EVA said...

I do! (Believe!)
So cute, happy and joyful! Love all the details!

Unknown said...

This is just perfect. What a wonderful artist hand and creative brain you have. Love it.

Wanda said...

Heather you put so much love and details into your drawings. They just pull me into the scene. Now what a list... I sure hope she gets a cute kitten, and a big doll house.

Happy Holidays.....XOXO

brandi said...

~believe...such a simple yet powerful word...i do believe and always will!!! such a fun and whimical drawing...they both look so excited and her tooth...too cute!! warm wishes and brightest blessings~

Kristin Dudish said...

Oh yes! And I believe in the magic of your wonderful drawings with fabulous details!!!


p.s. The gingerbread lobster is great - I am a big fan of edible art!

lissa said...

she is adorable! love her red leggings

Michael said...

Oh my goodness, Heather, so adorable! I love your little touches like the mouse having it's own list, simply asking for "cheese!" hahah, love the decorated mouse home INSIDE the hole. so many little things. Very sweet and so christmassey. this will be a great seller for you, I should imagine. thank you!!

I'm adding it to the montage collection now.

SaraLynnArt said...

So cute! I love that "toys" repeats as the list goes on...

Janice said...

This is so much fun! I love all the detail you have included and especially the fact that the little mouse has a list as well.

Morph Waffle said...

So cute, love that tree and the little mouse (Mr. pero was it?). He even wrote a note and decorated his mouse hole. Make sure you tell him that I do believe.

Brian Miller said... the joy in their faces...and the things on their list...hope they get everything they ask for...smiles. it is a magical time of year!

Krista said...

Love the matching nightgowns and candy cane stockings!

Christine said...

they have long lists, so cute! Hope they've been good.

Rebecca Anthony said...

I have a big smile looking at this image, it's wonderful!

Jenny said...

Wow! your attention to detail is just so amazing! Yes I surely do believe :) Who wouldn't with gorgeous artwork like yours sprinkling the world with magic :)
Ps. Do you think if I'm a goooood girl I can have stripy tights and fluffy slippers like Percy's??! :)x

batsick said...

Cute! Here's mine

Jehanne's doodles said...

Of course I believe:)
Great illustration! Love the details of the piece. :)


love all your works that I've missed. they are so fun and full of joy!

Victoria said...

Super beautiful! I love your blog and your uplifting and magical!

Heather Foust said...

Oh so cute. I love this little girl. Your blog always makes me smile.

bob said...

Your work is fabulous---blue skies still one of my favorites


awww how adorable! I am so loving the movement in this piece, as always your characters are so sweet and I just love that little added touch of the mouse and his mini list (or not so mini) Happy Holidays to you a well ♥

AtelierBrigitte said...

What a lovely illo. I hope she'll get everything on her list.

Kerri said...

she is adorable! :)

Stacey said...

I love her!:-). Thanks for visiting my blog-i love yours too! XX

michele said...

Heather, this is just so much fun! Of course, I believe in the magic of the holidays, too! How else would everything get done? Wishing you a stress-free holiday! :o)

Unknown said...

Pretty, pretty!!!