
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday Sketches - Not Bare for Long

It's time for holiday decorating and Sunday Sketches.
This little lady is  ready to "dress" this tree to the nines!
LOOK OUT, she's a lady on a mission....
How about you...
Do you have your Christmas tree up yet?
Is it decorated?
We will be decorating ours today!
(in the hoo)
Do pop over and say hello to Sophia and my friends over here, at Sunday Sketches!


brandi said...

~too cute! that looks like our house at the moment...just got ours yesterday and almost have it all decorated...just a few tiny touches left...enjoy your day of decorating...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

Christine said...

She looks like she'll have fun decorating her tree! It's raining here too.

Katerina Galati said...

Heather, your lady is amazing...pity I've already decorate my tree, if not, I would love her help with all these ornaments!! :)
I wish you have fun with your decorations!!

Kelly Berkey said...

adorable! no tree yet, i'm sick and have so much to do...maybe later this week i'll get around to it. last year i didn't take my tree down until march. lol!

Debbie said...

Sooo cute! Enjoy decorating! It's one of my favorite things to do during the holidays!

Tracy said...

We put our tree up last night but I certainly could have used her help...cute look on her face!

Mona said...

You are so amazingly alive! You must be a professional in children book illustrations!

I am so glad I discovered the Sunday Sketches! Such a varied treat for the eyes!

Lenora said...

So fun! You capture the family Christmas feeling so well! Love the sketch last Tuesday with the mouse door by the tree - my children were loving that!

Sinderella's Studio said...

Thanks for stopping by! Love your sketch! We have not put our tree up yet - maybe today - the weather is setting the mood with 2" already on the ground and the big flakes are still falling!
cheers, dana

WrightStuff said...

I love decorating the tree. We did ours last weekend (in between trips to Mull!). Everything is so pretty. Hate taking it all done when all is bare and chilly looking. Lovely little sketch to celebrate this most joyous of times Heather.

lissa said...

very festive!

Unknown said...

I am all ready for Christmas....we have decked the halls...and are having so much fun already!!! the only thing left to do is bake!!!

Wonderful sketch Heather!!! !lovely work!!!!

Julia Christie said...

heather - this is what I looked like last night, lights strung around my neck and ornaments hung from my sweater as I directed five little ones in where to put all the decorations - fun! best tree ever!!

Love this drawing!

Smiles and hugs my friend

Tammie Lee said...

wonderful and she looks so happy about her task at hand!

Heather Foust said...

I can't express how much I love your illustrations. I look forward to them every week. So cute!

EVA said...

Mine's not up yet.... though some of my Nutcrackers have risen from their long sleep and are out for Christmas.

Next weekend. Tree up and remaining nutcrackers to follow.

Great sketch!! Hope you have fun decorating! Pictures to follow?

Betsy Brock said...

I know you and your family will enjoy decorating your tree and house today! I hope we see pictures when you're all finished!
Maybe that rain will turn to snow?!

Jehanne's doodles said...

This is really cute :)
Nope no tree as yet. Well no big main one, but some of the other decorations have been up since first weekend in dec :)

Brian Miller said...

nice. look at that big grin on her face...someone is going to have some fun...we did ours a couple weeks ago, tahnk goodness...

Kristin Dudish said...

Hope you're having as much fun decorating as this fun lady in your sketch! (I love her crown)

We had rain today too - but I hear a snowstorm is on the way... so it will all be ice very soon - yikes!


Unknown said...

Too darling! She looks like me with all my Christmas stuff! XX!

Reflections said...

Oh I bet those decorations get snatched and hung quickly... love the fun tone to your sketch.

Thank you for checking out my attempt and for welcoming me here.

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

she is adorable..i knew i would smile when i came here...yep...tree is up and decorated..well, we did the whole cozy..we love it..we are pretending we are little mice living in a farmhouse :-) in vermont....

happy to visit with you today heather

sending cozy love,
kary and teddy


Shayla said...

I haven't visited in awhile! Of course your art is always amazing! This is so cute!

Nicola said...

Awww too cute! I love the energy in your work it's always full of life and her hair is so cute, reminds me of Farrah Fawcette hair!!! :0) xx

GalleryJuana said...

Fun sketch! It illustrates the excitement and joy of decorating the tree.

Thank you for your visit and nice to meet you through this sunday sketch blog hopping meme.

Anonymous said...

Sweetness Heather, with a little imp to her too! I enjoyed your drawing; the quality of the lines and shapes are most impressive. Will you do a painting of her? She's quite lovely as she is! :)

Andrew Finnie said...

Oh your characters always have that look of wicked bliss (I like it) :)

Michael said...

Love it. this lady looks rather like the author, don;t you think? :) Lovely.

my tree is tiny this year but I am happy with it.