
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Sketches - Roast Beef

...This little piggy had roast beef

and was quite happy about that

I am continuing with my sketch series of This Little Piggy...

I am sharing the 2 different "roast beef" sketches I came up with...

I think I like the top one best! 

I am sharing this with my friends over at Sunday Sketches
Come join the fun!


Debbie said...

Both sketches are so cute! Happy Sunday!

carol l mckenna said...

Love the sketches ~ like the top one best ~ both are so adorable ~~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

Christine said...

They are both cute sketches, the top one is funny.

Unknown said...

Hi Heather, these are great fun. My kids used to love the nursery rhyme..

Kristin Dudish said...

I love your latest piggies, Heather :)

These 2 versions are great (I think I like the top one best too - the tongue cracks me up)!


Valerie-Jael said...

Lucky little piggy! I had fried potatoes! Valerie

WrightStuff said...

This little piggy's not a vegetarian!

Great piggy!

Lynn Cohen said...

So cute! The top one has more character! More action! Both are good, top one wins the sandwich!

Brian Miller said...

at least his not eating bacon....smiles....cute piggy you got there heather....

Rita said...

so cute, Heather and makes me hungry for roast beef! Also love your golden post below...

Betsy Brock said...

haha...oh, he's so cute! A beef eating piggy! lol. He's just adorable!

Sabina said...

These are adorable--I especially like the top one. I guess the piggy without roast beef is going to be one sad looking dude!

Tracey FK said...

I wish I could be that loose with my pencil work, but they always end up tight and terrible... every week I gaze at yours and wish I could do that...xx

sharon said...

Love your piggy with the roast beef sammy, the expression on his face is great!

Wanda said...

I was out of town Sunday, and am just now getting to your post.

They are both cute, but that top one just has a flair about it I love. I vote for the top one.