
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Going for Gold

“Champions keep playing until they get it right.” 
 - Billie Jean King

Happy Weekend!
It's official, the 2012 Summer Olympics have begun. 
Last night, I attended an Olympic party  to kick off the festivities.
We enjoyed food from around the world and plenty of Olympic spirit!

How about you?
Will you be tuning in this weekend?

* My Olympic nail polish?
good as gold


Betsy Brock said...

What a fun party theme! Love your accessories! ;)

Wanda said...

Oh look at that Gold... Like the polish. Sounds like a great party.

Going to visit our kids this weekend, hear my grandson in a praise band concert, and celebrate a granddaughters 24th birthday. Should be a good weekend.

Brian Miller said...

smiles....watched a bit of the olympic opening last night...was a pretty cool step through the years....and the queen parachuting...oh my...

just got home...nice to just sit, not in the car...ha....

Christine said...

I did watch the opening ceremonies! said...

Summer Olympics look interesting

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

That sounds like so much fun! I love the gold polish! We have been tuning in! :)