
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Sketches - and My Winner (s)

It's Sunday...and I am back from my trip.
over at Sophia's blog, The Blue Chair Diary.
So today, I am sharing a quick drawing from my sketchbook...  

That's me...
clinging to the chair upon take-off in the airplane yesterday!
I really don't like flying one bit. Can you tell?

I remember as a kid, and even through my late 20s,
 if I didn't sit by a window, I was so upset. I always made sure, I sat by the window.
 I really loved flying, taking off and just staring out the window....
BUT, now, I will do anything to avoid the window seat...
Instead, I am hanging on for dear life during take-off and landing...
holding my breath and

How about you, how do you feel about flying?
Is it just me?

SO...a HUGE thank you all for the WONDERFUL birthday wishes, my friends.
I enjoyed reading all of your sweet messages.
AND now for The WINNER(s) of my
Where in the World is Heather give-away....
and Eva
They both were the first to guess Breckenridge, Colorado
I think the Starbucks clue gave it away, hee! hee!
Yes, I was in Breckenridge, Colorado, on top of the world!
What an amazing place!
Gorgeous views, weather and ski conditions made for a great week!
Thank you ALL for playing along!
So, girls, just send me your email and I will contact you about your special prize!
YAY for you!


Marlene said...

Heather, your sketch says it all for me as well. I liked flying the first time I went up in a plane and from that point on it got less and less fun. I am at the point I will not get on a plane unless I have absolutely no choice. Great Sketch.
Congrats to Sophia and Eva.

Christine said...

I'm like you about flying! I think I prefer landing to takeoff.

Nice sketch. Congrats to Eva and Sophia.

Tracy said...

Heather, I actually love flying, well taking off that is but not so content on landing although a necessary part of flying :)
glad you are home and safe and you can get some blood flowing to those knuckles! love the sketch...

Deanna said...

Heather your sketch is too funny! I love the take off and landing the most although I haven't flown in years so who knows, maybe I would be hanging on for dear life too!

Happy belated birthday! What a great place to be for your birthday. I lived in Colorado for about six months many years ago. I dream of returning some day. Such a beautiful area and so much inspiration for artwork. Unlike the boring, ugly flat lands of Illinois. lol

Fallingladies said...

I love your sketh... I have never flown but I want to , especially in a tiny little plane.!

Anonymous said...

Hey heather! thanks so much for stopping by.... Sorry I did not have my "Sunday Sketch" post up yet! Hope I can keep up with this sketching practice! Love you art!

xoxo Valerie

maddyrose said...

I also hate flying. I've had so many bad experiences that I'm never doing it again. I love your sketch.

Brian Miller said...

cute sketch...i was pretty much thrown into it at work and flew every week for a couple years...been through some rough ones too...figure at this point if it is my time it just is...

Debbie said...

I am with you on flying! I'm terrified too and your picture really depicts both of our feelings so perfectly! I'm sorry I missed your birthday...Hope it was happy!!

Morph Waffle said...

Cute drawing, lovin the expression! Breckenridge, why didn't I think of that, I bet you had a lovely time!

Julia Christie said...

Congrats to Sophia and Eva!
This is such a cute sketch- you have captured her fear but she is still adorable!
I don't like the takeoff part of flying! The rest is ok.
So glad you had a fab week with your family to celebrate your birthday! I really appreciate your friendship to, and always find so much joy and inspiration here!
Hugs and smiles!!

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh this is a fantastic illustration Heather!!
I used to love flying. I think it was in my 20's when I had to fly for work via some small planes ( less than 20 seats) that I developed a little fear lol
Congrats Sophia and Eva :D

Kristin Dudish said...

Ha! I love the expression... I can definitely relate. I used to be such a good flyer, now... not so much.

Glad you had such a wonderful trip :)

Congrats EVA and Sophia!


lissa said...

cute drawing. I like the idea of flying but not actually dong it.

have a great day.

Wanda's Wings said...

Great expressions. I love it!

WrightStuff said...

Funny, as soon as I read the word Starbucks I had a sudden craving for a sweet latte!

I don't mind the actual flying - it's the cramped seats that I find annoying.

Your sketch really captures your discomfort!

Joni Nickrent said...

Too cute...I used to have the same fear of flying and definitely could picture myself in your sketch! Great your work! Found you from your Sunday Sketches link!

Teri said...

Gosh, we look like twins!! lol Great expression.

Helen said...

Great sketch and I look forward to seeing more from your travels.

gatheringwonder said...

that expression is so well captured

Christine said...

Heather thank you for offering me a prize as well! My email is

Rebecca Anthony said...

What a great image(O: I'm so glad you had such a great time!! It looked amazing! I have to say I used to like flying a lot more than I do now. I think since I've had children things are different(O:

Ana M.F. said...

Great drawing, I can relate to that...I used to enjoy flying but now it just seem...scary...I guess to many bad news of crashes on TV...or maybe we value our lives more as we get older...who knows?

Betsy Brock said...

aww...congratulations to them! How fun!

I used to love the window seat, too but now I feel claustrophobic there!

Elizabeth Claire said...

I can see myself in that beautiful sketch. I am working on "enjoying the flight".

Joanne Osband said...

Hi Heather,

Your sketch tells it all! I like the way you painted only your face as it really expresses the emotions.

I am liking flying less and less as I get older, but it has more to do with being contained in a seat and the poor air quality.

Thanks for sharing ;)

Sinderella's Studio said...

Great depiction of your plane ride! Yep, I used to fly fearless and now - hang on and repeat mantras at take off and landing.
cheers, dana

Jenn Bower said...

hahahahaha...this is priceless! I love flying but hate the takeoff and landing. I didn't mind it until I had a child. After that blessed event my mind deals to much in the what if.
What a fabulous job in capturing the angst of the moment. So glad you are back! I hope refreshed and relaxed.

Unknown said...

Hi Heather, firstly, sorry I missed your Birthday... HAPPY BIRTHDAY... 38, lucky girl.. your still in your thirties... Flying just isn't what it used to be... love the sketch.. hope you had a good trip away... and congrats to Sophia and Eva....

GalleryJuana said...

Love the sketch!

I enjoy flying but am totally a nervous wreck at take-off and landing. I'm glad I live back home now, so no more having to fly home every few months.

Thanks for the ss visit.

EVA said...

Funny you used to love it and now you don't - makes me wonder what happened. Planes open up so much of the world to us.

Thank you!! What a wonderful surprise about winning!

My Grama's Soul said...

I love it that you actually TAKE THE TIME to do sketches on a regular basis. I always promise myself that I will take time for my art...but something always seems to get in my way.


My Grama's Soul said...
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Expat Barbie said...

while flying makes me uncomfortable, jumping out of planes keeps me grounded. (i skydive.)

i just stumbled on your blog via waystation one, and i am very impressed by your work.

Nicola said...

Happy Birthday Heather! Sounds like you had a great holiday! I'm soooo like you with flying I HATE it!! When we went back to the UK last year it was about 22hours on a plane. Such hard work with the kids but they coped amazingly well. Not only do I hate being cramped in economy class but I'm also a bit of a nervous flyer gripping the seat on take off and landing. I seem to have become more nervous since having the kids. Before I didn't really worry too much! It's worth the trip though to see family and friends but we won't be doing it for a while now. Hope you're having a great week thanks for your visit and lovely words of encouragement! They are always appreciated xoxoxo

rachel awes said...

happy (late!) birthday!
& ohhhh, that dearheart (you)
on that plane seat! xox!

Janet said...

Glad you had a great time! Good to have you "home"
Im like you, used to love flying especially the take offs and now Id rather drive when I can.
I love this sketch and the rooftops one too, a map is so essetnial for a little character to get to know her envrionment and explore her world!