
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Sketches - Believe in Yourself

I saw this wonderful quote written in the blog world this week - and loved it on so many levels.
Growing up I was always told to believe in yourself...That anything was possible....Think positve, and good things will come...To, " Follow your dreams. You can be whatever you want...."

But, as you reach adulthood sometimes it's easy to lose sight of what you want, of what you believe you can do....There are so many other factors and events surrounding us in our lives- There are so many things being thrown in our direction from all different angles, that it's easy to stop believing. ...It's easy to lose sight of our dreams...
But, we can't.

We must always  keep believing in ourselves, for if we don't who will?....

So, I have made my little reminder...with this quote for today
....and Yes - I have pinned this to my inspiration board!
I am sharing it with my friends over at Sunday Sketches, so grab a pencil and meet me there!


Brian Miller said...

a wonderful inspiring message today...we do that for sure...and become disenfranchised by our experiences...but there is magic in believing and i hope thoae that have lost theirs find it again...nice simple sketch today that does not take anything away from the quote but adds well...

Malka Michaela Barshishat said...

Very well said!
Cute sketch. The spark in the eyes is reignited.
I remember that myself and our children are the reminder of this with their enthusiasm and bottomless drive to achieve great things!
We seem to have gotten tired of life throwing sticks under our feet and so we slowed down our pace..practice makes perfect. Gotta practice to dream big again! ;)
Thank you!

carol l mckenna said...

Yes, Heather ~ do believe in yourself ~ Everything in life begins within ~ You are very talented and I love this sketch for Sketch Sunday! thanks, Carol ^_^

My blog is Share the Creative Journey ~ do come by and visit ~ love to have you comment ~ thanks^_^

Kristin Dudish said...

I absolutely love your positive outlook... This is a wonderful reminder!

Keep believing (I believe in you too)!


maddyrose said...

Is it any wonder you're such a upbeat person? Being encouraged to believe in yourself and that anything was possible. If only everyone could be told that while they're young and still believe in what they're told. Love the sketch. Have a happy Sunday.

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh this is lovely!! The expression is really great and I like how you have painted it. And so true that we forget:)

Missy said...

I like her eyes!

Morph Waffle said...

What a lovely post, and sweet piece, love that dreamy look in her face!

Unknown said...

I love this quote and it is so true....when you give up on what you believe you will never leap over mountains and make your dreams come true!!!! lovely work Heather!!!!

Wanda's Wings said...

Great message and beautifully done sketch.

mariasangel said...

a beautiful reminder and an adorable sketch :)

Jenn Bower said...

A perfect inspiration! I love the dreamy face. You are so right, it gets so hard to stay focused when the 'real' world wants to tell us that dreams are exactly that! Thank YOU for staying so positive and inspiring...there are many days when it is you that keeps me going.

Julia Christie said...

I can't believe how absolutely perfect this is for me right now!

Thanks for the smile, the encouragement, and the timely reminder!


WrightStuff said...

Very wise words my friend. My motto in life is 'where there's a will; there's a way'. It has stood me in very good stead.

Valerie-Jael said...

This is s wonderful message, we should all follow it! Valerie

Kristin Aquariann said...

Wondrously inspiring advice, and adorable sketch. She has such a sweet expression. ^.^

Betsy Brock said...

I've seen that quote around, too! It is a great one! Isn't that so true...we have all the hopes and dreams and imagination to carry us through as younger people and somehow that fades as we get older. I think hurts, responsibilities and stress rob us of some of that spark! It's a choice, though...and there for the taking!

Do you read Susie Harris' blog? She paints that message on big wooden is hanging in her daughters room. So cool. :)

Joni Nickrent said...

AWESOME quote and your work! Always perfection! POP ART MINIS

Unknown said...

Hi Heather,
Brilliant quote and your so right...we do need to believe in ourselves.... thank you for the reminder...

Lenora said...

Great quote! Really we have such a hand in creating our outlook in our daily life so it is the only way! Just back from the UK we saw how the hammered economy is affecting the people and we were discussing how life dished out many situations but we just have to believe in ourselves and go on, create, create, create! So what a timely sketch - she's wonderful!

Debbie said...

she's cute and has a great message!! Happy Sunday!

lissa said...

what a sweet face! & great quote. though it's easier to say, harder to practice.

Anonymous said...
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Joanne Osband said...

I love her expression! Thank you for the thoughtful inspiration.

m7 said...

i love all ur artwork, but this post is super lovely. thnx for sharing. :)

SaraLynnArt said...

Aw, what a sweet expression! I love that bit of blush on her cheeks!

Sinderella's Studio said...

Great sketch - great message!
cheers, dana

Crystal said...

Love your inspiring words always make me smile! Cute sketch too! :-)

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Nice post Heather, and a nice little illo to go along with it!

michele said...

Hello Heather, this is a perfectly good reason why I'd like to share this Sunshine Award with you today! It's always sunny here at your blog! And the award is waiting for you at mine! :o)

Nicola said...

Hi Heather this is so true!!! I love this quote too and her pretty little face in your illustration full of optimism :0) I want to be like that again and sometimes I am. I really loved your bag in your previous post. I've been looking into buying some blank bags like that and having a go at painting my ladies directly on there. Was this one printed onto the bag? It really looks lovely on there!!! :0)

GalleryJuana said...

your drawing is sweet and the quote is inspiring.
Congratulations on the 100 book publishing.

MissTiedeman said...

thank you for your kind words on my blog!
Sometimes it is hard to keep going, especially for creatives, but you have to just follow your crazy ideas and believe in yourself!! Thank you!

Victoria said...

Love this...beautiful..and very inspiring!

Sophie with her Illustrations said...

Thank you for that wonderful reminder, I get lost with my dreams sometimes but this reminded me to keep going on with my dreams :)