
Monday, November 7, 2011

Creative Tuesdays- Thanksgiving

It's time for Creative Tuesday's.
The theme this week is Thanksgiving -
I am already busy preparing my guest list and my menu...
I think it may be one of my favorite meals of the year!
I mean, green bean casserole and mashed potatoes?
What could be better?

Now, I have this little Turkey to help inspire me, too !
See you over here, at Creative Tuesdays.


Wanda said...

What a cute turkey.... I don't think I could eat him....

But do love Thanksgiving dinner...I love cooking the Turkey, makeing the stuffing and girls add all the side dishes.

Since my surgery is this Fri. I didn't do Creative Tues this time. Will catch it for next time.

Michaele Razi said...


Brian Miller said...

gobble gobble...smiles...cute turkey! and have a lovely thanksgiving yourself...

Betsy Brock said...

I love him! Cute red head and those lovely feathers! :) But I really like the hand turkey with your signature! I thought those were SO fun to do in kindergarten...I remember it still! lol...

Christine said...

Love your turkey! Have a lovely dinner when the time comes too! We had our Canadian Thanksgiving Oct 8.

Joni Nickrent said...

Now that's one cool turkey! Gobble! Gobble!

Valerie-Jael said...

Love your turkey! And love the thought of that dinner even more! Valerie

Dina Thanki said...

Cute :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Wanda, too cute to eat!

Gloria Baker said...

I love Heather, what beautiful are always your draws ! gloria

Jenn Bower said...

Brilliant. I absolutely love this. Great, great work on all of his feathers.

maddyrose said...

Cute turkey. Glad he's paper so nobody will get the notion to cook him up for dinner. Thanksgiving dinner is my favorite meal of the year. I always get too full before I've had the chance to try a bit of everything. I usually start by sampling the stuffing. Yummy!!

Janice said...

I love your perky turkey! And your menu for Thanksgiving Day is making my mouth water; I love green bean casserole and mashed potatoes. My favorite TG dish, however, is stuffing. I eat it cold the next day, for breakfast.

linda (dots n doodles) said...

He is too cute to eat! Have a happy thanksgiving.

Janet said...

It sounds exciting getting ready for thanksgiving. I really like your turkey, I hope he is a guest and not on the menu :-)

Unknown said...

Oh I love your turkey. Yes too cute to eat.

Unknown said...

Hello Heather!!!! your turkey character is as sweet as can be!!!! he almost makes me want something other than turkey at Thanksgiving.....

Wonderful work!!!!

Anonymous said...

I almost drew a turkey, but thought it would be too hard.. you did a great job. The turkey's eye looks real! :)

Kristin Dudish said...

Your turkey is adorable! I also love today's signature - so cute!


p.s. Jack Frost is fantastic too :)

Crystal said...

So cute! This is a great Thanksgiving card. This year will the the first year without my son, who is stuck with the air force in the wilds of N. D. And he always made up printed menus and got everyone to sign it each year since he was little. The other day I opened up the drawer in his room and saw about 7 Thanksgiving menus. I don't know if I will do the menu this year, but maybe just maybe I will. Have a great day, dear friend.

Unknown said...

Happy thanksgiving... great turkey Heather...

lissa said...

cute drawing. happy turkey day! that's what most people call thanksgiving. though I do not celebrate it, I hope you have a grand time.

Michael said...

I love your little sign off here too btw along with your cute turkey.

So glad you aren't preparing your guests for I first read it! LOL.

Thank you so much for finding time to joining in again wit this sweet turkey. I hope he goes free! :)

MiKa Art said...

I'm kind of afraid of Turkey - but this was so cute!!

Christie describeHappy said...

What a great turkey!! Really great colors too!

AtelierBrigitte said...

Lovely turkey!