
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sunday Sketches - Let's Work Together

We have been busy around my house working on decorating the Christmas tree, writing our Christmas cards and preparing cookies for holiday parties and cookie's a lot of fun, but it's more fun having my 2 girls along side of me to help! Thanks girls!

They inspired this sketch here that I am sharing with my friends over at Sunday Sketches today!
See you there!

"A job worth doing is worth doing together."


Gwen said...

How sweet, I love her little feet!


Victoria said...

Fabulous.what a dazzling duo! Beauiful!..

Unknown said...

Sounds like you and your girls are having great fun...treasured moments.. :)

Jenn Bower said...

Sounds busy and fun! I have my shopping done and that is about it. No tree yet! Figure I must go on an illustration hiatus to get ready for the big day! Love your image as usual, cute with great movement. I love the socks and tiny little feet.

Brian Miller said...

true that and makes the work lighter...and much more the long lines in this...and playing with the gingerbread man is fun as well eh? smiles.

Joni Nickrent said...

Sweet and it! Merry Christmas let the decorating begin!

Anonymous said...

oh so cute, she's so delicate and lovely!Wonderful memories being made.

Crystal said...

Very cute illustration Heather! You have endless inspiration in your girls. Oh by the way you are my giveaway winner so email me your address so I can get that in the mail to you! :-)

Christine said...

So cute, love the candycane socks! Enjoy!

Tracey FK said...

I would like to be part of a cookie exchange... of course I make rubbish cookies and would have to resort to pretending bought ones are mine... but to get all those wonderful cookies in return would be great...fantastic illustration by the way... but now I think I want cookies for breakfast...xx

Debbie said...

She is so cute, and put a smile on my face! I miss my kids helping me with cookies. enjoy every minute!!

WrightStuff said...

Run run Mr Gingerbread man cause you look delicious!!

We've been doing the same here today and we wrote some Christmas songs together which was really fun.

Greetings to you all!

Run Mr Gingerbread Man...

SaraLynnArt said...

Very sweet! I love those energetic poses!

Wanda said...

This is a darling sketch..and having three daughters I certainly understand how much help they can be at Christmas time...

Next week I'll be making my English Toffee...but all the daughters are married and busy with their own families, so I'll be alone in my kitchen with my Christmas Music...that's nice too.

Lenora said...

I always love the expressions in your work..

Tammie Lee said...

your art is so charming and this one is wonderful! wishing you a sweet week.

Tammie Lee said...

oh, and those little curling feet are cute as can be. I bought a stocking ornament for the tree the other night and the boot/stocking curled up like that, more like an elf shoe... love it.

Betsy Brock said...

haha...I love this! Those candy cane socks and elf shoes are just too cute!

Unknown said...


Julia Christie said...

Oh sounds a lovely day! Much the same as what we have been up to!
decorating a gingerbread house, baking, making soup and watching xmas shows with all five this weekend! And of course decorating the tree! Lovely!

Love this illustration btw!

Smiles and hugs

Molly said...

so sweet and positive. looks like your little helpers are all ready for the holidays!

EVA said...

It seems we both have gingerbread men on our mind! (and palettes)

This is so much fun and it sure sounds like you are having it too - wonderful!

Jehanne's doodles said...

Oh this is cute Heather. Sounds like lots of yummy things are happening around your home. "A job worth doing is worth doing together" is something kids really believe in especially when it comes to tidying up :)

Marlene said...

Hi Heather, Great sketch. I have missed you but guess I just got too busy going place with my DH to try and keep up. I hope to be back to blogging after the holiday. I have finally received the deck of cards created by ACEO artists if you are still interested in a deck. You can email me at and let me know. Have a wonderful Christmas.

Elizabeth Rose Stanton said...

Such a happy couple! Cute, cute drawing! Have a great Christmas!

Morph Waffle said...

So cute and joyful, instant smile!

michele said...

Hi Heather, I'm a little late to your cookie exchange here, but I hope it was as fun as these holiday friends suggest- And also just a wee bit envious that you have two girls to help out with the baking! Hope your Christmas season is filled with joyful celebration! :o)