
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Sketches - My Crown....

I found this quote the other day and just fell in love with it!
Are you content?
Sometimes, when we just take a moment to stop and think about all of the beautiful things we have in life the now...
in this moment...
we can find peace and contentment in that
 and just be!
and it's an amazing feeling!
I am trying to do more and more of that!

I am sharing this sketch with my friends over here, at Sunday Sketches...
Can't wait to see what you all have to share!

PS - I am also having trouble commenting on certain blogs...they are coming up fine, but when I try to comment they freeze! Anyone else? 

Enjoy your content!


Tracy said...

Yes, I too am having difficulty commenting on certain blogs...I love your crown of contentment; it's so true that we need to stop and think about all that we do have in these economically troubled times. Love the sketch to accompany the thoughts!

Anonymous said...

thats a great quote and I think probably true, Kings must have a hard job!!
I'm having troubles also, I thought it was just me,,
lovely painting, she is just perfect!

Christine said...

She looks very content, and I love her crown and your quote, very inspiring.

Christine said...

It came to me that I've allowed openid commenting, I forget how I did that, but I must've googled it. Maybe that helps, some ladies had pointed that out to me once, the ones on wordpress, etc.

Victoria said... beautiful..what a gorgeous soul!
Yes i have had trouble too..someone suggested google I use that on some sites and that totaly fixes the prob!
Good luck!

ANNE said...

totally agree with you Heather! Sweet painting.


Unknown said...

Cool quote and drawing!
I think blogger is a little slow these days....

Virtual Boy said...

Love her expression, awesome work!

And yep, Blogger's being a pain for me as well. =__= It's like the comment link randomly disapears on some blogs! Hope they'll fix it soon.

// -T.W-

Tammie Lee said...

so cute and yes i love that quote too.
i hear that others are having trouble commenting, but i have been fine so far. lovely day and beyond to you~

Gwen said...

I love how the expession on her face conveys contentment so cleverly.
We can all find it if we decide to look:)

Alicia C said...

thanks for that - sometimes you just need to hear that :D (re. poem) beautiful, happy queen to go along with that sentiment!

lissa said...

great quote and cute drawing. nice pink crown but I think my would be yellow or blue.

have a sweet day.

p.s., I have a few people saying they can't comment on my blog but I don't seem to have a problem with anyone's blog. I think the ones with comment embedded below the post has that problem.

Heather said...

@lissa - can't comment on yours! but i lov your heart in hearts!
terrie - can't comment on yours either!
what's going on?

Sabina said...

So cute! Love her face.

WrightStuff said...

I'm having the same problem. It's with IE. Switch to Chrome and you'll be fine.

Gorgeous as ever and I've never heard that quote before - love it!!

Betsy Brock said...

I think blogger is trying to sabotage us again! ha.

I love this quote. We all are so blessed and it's a good reminder that we should be happy with what we have. :)

Cute sketch, as always, dear! xo

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

She is so cute and that is a fantastic quote! Just love it! :)

Lenora said...

she is smug! i like to think of myself as content, but not so today :-)

Michaele Razi said...

Wonderful! Love the word content!

Wanda said...

This is amazing Heather...and with your permission, will use your illustration and quote the next time I teach "Calm My Anxious Heart" by Linda Dillow at one of my Wiomen's Bible Studies.

Contentment is a treasure, and one that can be attained.

Thanks for your kind words for our son, Myk.

Dear Fireflies said...

That is such a beautiful quote and I love how you've portrayed it with your adorable girl! Yes, I think being content with life is one of the hardest things to do...that concept of "wanting more" can be poisonous sometimes! (^_^)

Unknown said...

Your girl is beautiful and she really looks content!
If we think, as you said, and see all our blessing, we will be content all the time. Thanks for sharing!

Brian Miller said...

ooo great marrying of the quote with the pic...and a cute pic at that...content is a great place to be...been in DC all day at SpyFest with my playing catch up...

Molly said...

Hi Heather,
I love your princess and the sentiment behind her. I, too, am concentrating on just being in 2012, as a road to peace and contentment. :-)

St. Simon's Island was really lovely. I love the beach in winter or summer and we enjoyed the windy days and watching the dolphins swim by. We will definitely get back there again soon, when the weather gets warmer!

Hope you had a great weekend!

Jenn Bower said...

Happy Sunday wishes on a Monday! Great tribute to a wonderful sentiment. I hold contentment right beside gratitude and find they both work to keep me humble. Happy creating this week!

Morph Waffle said...

What a great piece!

Unknown said...

I love this Heather!!!! wonderful new piece and I love the quote and the crown!!!!

Debbie said...

she's so cute! love the smile!