
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back to Work, I go with my dreams!

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." 
Eleanor Roosevelt 

The New England coast line is one of my favorite places. The rugged shoreline and the deep blue sea are a great place to go for inspiration and reflection. I just returned home last night after spending the weekend there with family. We were in one of my favorite seaside towns,  Marblehead, Massachusetts.

 I often dream of buying a little cottage in this quaint village. Yes, I can see my little Rose Hill cottage now, high above the Atlantic overlooking the water - It would be filled with all of my studio supplies and plenty of Starbucks coffee... I could spend my days just painting and dreaming! Wouldn't that be nice?????

Oh well, it's back to reality today...and work!

 I think I will stick that dream on my vision board for now...for someday, you just never long as you believe in your dreams....

This artist, Michael Graves was painting in his "Studio". 
Later in the weekend, Saylor and I saw this painting he was working on in the local gallery 
 He told us that he was living his dream!

Do you live your dreams?
Do you believe in your dreams?
I sure hope so!


  1. Heather, I too love the New England coast and once creamed of moving there. However, now it's too cold in the winter so I've moved my sights on the NC coast :) I too dream of retiring at the ocean and creating all day!
    very lovely photos...

  2. Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures and dreams! Valerie

  3. Aw...that sounds like so much fun. When I was young, we vacationed several times along the north-eastern coast. Gorgeous! And I smile when ever you post a pic of your girls..they are just the cutest!

  4. Looks like you had a lot of fun! Hot here today too, but actually I'm on my way to N.C. outer banks for a three day much needed vacation. Too bad my bad luck follows me and they are expecting the tropical storm tomorrow!!! :-(

  5. Only the brave dare to dream, and a dream can't come true unless it dreamed...

    You are reaching your dreams, and bring us along with you. All the years we were in Ministry up North it was in the flatlands. And we lived in a parsonage that was very old.... I dreamed of a retirement cottage in the foothills or by the beach. I got my cottage in the foothills, and we have the use of our friends cabin on the beach at Lake Tahoe....Yes..My dreams are coming true.

    BTW Heather the picture of you and your daughter is so precious I want to hang it on my refrigerator.

    I have a reply button on my blog so responded to your comment on my new blog.

  6. ER is one of my heroes, so I'm so glad to see you quote her :)
    What a wonderful post, Heather! May all your dreams come true !

  7. i want a dream like cool a studio is that...smiles....have never been but def dream of NE coast line as well....glad you had a good trip and nice pics...

  8. such a lovely post
    so nice to support and inspire dreams come true
    looks like you had a wonderful time

    it has been quite long since i have been on that coast, wild and lovely

    wishing you a cottage~

  9. I love that quote and I can totally see Rose Hill Cottage becoming a reality.
    I've been dreaming a lot too lately. Even more than that, I am chasing my dreams. :)
    x Tania

  10. Oh wow... what a wonderful dream. That is such a beautiful place! Love, love, love the photo of you two girls!! :)

  11. and may all your dreams come true Heather!

  12. the photos are sketch worthy. i'd like to go with the first. :)

  13. Lovely photos and I can picture a studio there myself. I've always dreamed of living in an area like this. Follow your dreams Heather and who knows? Maybe some day you'll be living them.

  14. May all your dreams come true! I think we all shared this lovely dream of yours. Well, getting to live one's dream is a gift. I am not exactly living my dream, but, I should not discount the good things I do have. Yes? ;-)

  15. Beautiful photos of the coast!
    Have a great week!
