
Monday, October 22, 2012

Life is Boo-tiful

Life is BOOOO-tiful so let's go out and enjoy it!

Hope your week gets off to a SpOOk-tacular start.

We have added a few new Halloween prints to 
The Shop, including this one above
So, come by and take a peek, here

and speaking of SPoOk-tacular things....

Have you picked out your Halloween costume yet?


Brian Miller said...

haha fun play on words and cute put....hope you have a spooktacular week as well...we were just working on costumes last night...

Unknown said...

just adorable!!

Anonymous said...

no I have not, maybe I will rob the linen closet and go as one of your ghosts!! I have had to start another blog, mine was attacked and I have had to start brand new, AGAIN, I hope you might find me, I have had to rejoin all my favorite blogs,

Michaele Razi said...


Christine said...

They are so cute!

Wanda said...

So darling...they are Boo*ti*ful