
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Sketches - Snuggle Up

Snuggle Up

This is a new illustration that I am working on.
Little Redly loves her teddy 
and who doesn't love snuggling up on a 
Sunday morning in their favorite robe and slippers...
I know I sure do!

I am sharing it with

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!


Unknown said...

Snuggle puggle pudding and pie...adorable.. ;)

Brian Miller said...

made me smile...i love snuggles...a warm and endearing pic you put teddy bear growing up was a panda bear...

WrightStuff said...

Ah she's a cutie!

You know I bought this top the other day. It's a sort of dressing gown/robe but half size so you can wear when sitting up in bed reading. It is so soft and fluffy just like a teddy! My son loves cuddling me when I wear it!!

Tammie Lee said...

ahhhh, adorable! i can feel the love.

Debbie said...

I love a good warm robe to snuggle in, and your girl looks happy in hers with her bear. Cute!

Betsy Brock said...

very sweet. love her side ponytail. :)

Zue said...

Beautiful and looks like it is painted with light.

sharon said...

What a sweetie

Tracey FK said...

very sweet...xx

carol l mckenna said...

Absolutely precious and adorable ~ so well done ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Christine said...

she's so sweet! Happy SS.

Unknown said...

I really like your illustrative style! This is a winner:)

Michael said...

Totally adorable. :)